Life could be so easy: the convenience effect of round price endings

J Wieseke, A Kolberg, LM Schons - Journal of the Academy of Marketing …, 2016 - Springer
Retailers are increasingly using round prices, a trend at odds with the marketing belief in the
superiority of just-below prices. However, conclusive empirical evidence on the …

A hedonic pricing model of lift tickets for US alpine ski areas: examining the influence of crowding

RC Fonner, RP Berrens - Tourism Economics, 2014 -
This study applies the hedonic pricing model to lift ticket prices from 2011 for 181 alpine ski
areas in the USA. Marginal implicit prices are estimated for a variety of ski area physical …

A hedonic price analysis of ski lift tickets in Norway

I Malasevska - Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
In this study, we used the hedonic price method to examine what affected one-day ski lift
ticket prices in Norway in the winter season 2014/2015. The analysis was based on …

Lift ticket prices and quality in French ski resorts: Insights from a non-parametric analysis

FC Wolff - European Journal of Operational Research, 2014 - Elsevier
Using a unique data set with 168 ski resorts located in France, this paper investigates the
relationship between lift ticket prices and supply-related characteristics of ski resorts. A non …

International price differences in ski lift tickets

M Falk - Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2011 - Springer
This paper provides empirical evidence on international price differences in ski lift tickets
based on 214 ski areas in Austria, France, and Switzerland for the winter season 2010/2011 …

Quality of ski resorts and competition between the Emilian Apennines and Altipiani Trentini. An estimate of the hedonic price

S Alessandrini - 2012 -
We use the hedonic framework to estimate and simulate the hedonic ticket prices of 19 ski
resorts in the Emilian Apennines and Altipiani Trentini. To do so, we combine data on lift …

[PDF][PDF] Porównanie polskich, czeskich i słowackich ośrodków narciarskich za pomocą analizy FDH (Free Disposal Hull)

M Nowacki - Folia Turistica, 2017 -
Abstract Cel. Celem pracy jest:(1) porównanie cech ośrodków narciarskich w Polsce,
Czechach i Słowacji w stosunku do cen karnetów narciarskich,(2) wskazanie najlepszych …

Model uwarunkowań cen skipassów w polskich ośrodkach narciarskich

M Nowacki - 2013 -
The aim of the research was to elaborate a model of determinants of skipass prices for the
Polish ski centers. The study tried to obtain the answer for the question if skipass prices are …

[PDF][PDF] Do ski resorts overcharge for ski lift tickets?

G Lien, SC Kumbhakar, I Malasevska… - Available at SSRN …, 2022 -
A general assumption of the standard hedonic price model is that producers produce
outputs/services efficiently, and deviations from this situation are assumed to involve either …

Overpricing in a spatial hedonic frontier model: the case of ski lift tickets in Norway

G Lien, SC Kumbhakar - International Journal of Empirical …, 2022 - World Scientific
A general assumption of the standard hedonic price model is that producers produce
outputs/services efficiently, and deviations from this situation are assumed to involve either …