Cybersecurity of unmanned aerial vehicles: A survey
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are unmanned aircrafts operated by radio remote control
and programmed control equipment. Due to their small size, low cost, and high flexibility …
and programmed control equipment. Due to their small size, low cost, and high flexibility …
Performance enhancement of an orbital-angular-momentum-multiplexed free-space optical link under atmospheric turbulence effects using spatial-mode multiplexing …
In this paper, we propose an adaptive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) free-space
optical (FSO) links using an orbital-angular-momentum (OAM)-multiplexed based on the …
optical (FSO) links using an orbital-angular-momentum (OAM)-multiplexed based on the …
Physical-layer security analysis of mixed SIMO SWIPT RF and FSO fixed-gain relaying systems
This paper studies the physical-layer security problem for mixed single-input multiple-output
(SIMO) simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) based radio …
(SIMO) simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) based radio …
On secrecy performance of mixed generalized Gamma and Málaga RF-FSO variable gain relaying channel
The emergence of an array of new wireless networks has led researchers to evaluate the
prospect of utilizing the physical properties of the wireless medium in order to design secure …
prospect of utilizing the physical properties of the wireless medium in order to design secure …
Performance analysis of modulating retroreflector array for UAV-based FSO links
In this work, we investigate the performance of free space optical (FSO) communication
systems based on modulating retroreflector (MRR) array. In particular, we first characterize …
systems based on modulating retroreflector (MRR) array. In particular, we first characterize …
Average achievable rate of spatial diversity MIMO-FSO over correlated Gamma–Gamma fading channels
This paper studies the average achievable rate (AAR) of spatial diversity multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) free-space optical (FSO) communications over correlated Gamma …
multiple-output (MIMO) free-space optical (FSO) communications over correlated Gamma …
On secrecy performance of mixed RF-FSO systems with a wireless-powered friendly jammer
Y Wang, Y Tong, Z Zhan - IEEE Photonics Journal, 2022 -
This paper presents a study of the physical layer security performance of a mixed radio
frequency-free space optical (RF-FSO) system with a wireless-powered friendly jammer. The …
frequency-free space optical (RF-FSO) system with a wireless-powered friendly jammer. The …
Jamming attack detection in optical UAV networks
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have several applications in civil and military domains.
The high data rate connectivity required by UAVs makes the use of Free Space Optical …
The high data rate connectivity required by UAVs makes the use of Free Space Optical …
[HTML][HTML] A secure optical body area network based on free space optics and time-delayed 2D-spectral/spatial optical CDMA
Free space optics (FSO)-based optical body area networks (OBANs) are receiving massive
attention as an opportunity to address the limitations of their radio frequency (RF)-based …
attention as an opportunity to address the limitations of their radio frequency (RF)-based …
Image transmission performance analysis through free space optical communication link using coherent QPSK modulation under various environmental conditions
Free space optics (FSO) technology has been used recently in many applications due to its
various advantages such as high bandwidth, easy deployment, high security, free …
various advantages such as high bandwidth, easy deployment, high security, free …