The coral microbiome in sickness, in health and in a changing world
Stony corals, the engines and engineers of reef ecosystems, face unprecedented threats
from anthropogenic environmental change. Corals are holobionts that comprise the …
from anthropogenic environmental change. Corals are holobionts that comprise the …
Extending the natural adaptive capacity of coral holobionts
Anthropogenic climate change and environmental degradation destroy coral reefs, the
ecosystem services they provide, and the livelihoods of close to a billion people who …
ecosystem services they provide, and the livelihoods of close to a billion people who …
Coral‐bleaching responses to climate change across biological scales
The global impacts of climate change are evident in every marine ecosystem. On coral reefs,
mass coral bleaching and mortality have emerged as ubiquitous responses to ocean …
mass coral bleaching and mortality have emerged as ubiquitous responses to ocean …
The coral microbiome: towards an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of coral–microbiota interactions
Corals live in a complex, multipartite symbiosis with diverse microbes across kingdoms,
some of which are implicated in vital functions, such as those related to resilience against …
some of which are implicated in vital functions, such as those related to resilience against …
Fast and pervasive transcriptomic resilience and acclimation of extremely heat-tolerant coral holobionts from the northern Red Sea
Corals from the northern Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba exhibit extreme thermal tolerance. To
examine the underlying gene expression dynamics, we exposed Stylophora pistillata from …
examine the underlying gene expression dynamics, we exposed Stylophora pistillata from …
Integrating cryptic diversity into coral evolution, symbiosis and conservation
Understanding how diversity evolves and is maintained is critical to predicting the future
trajectories of ecosystems under climate change; however, our understanding of these …
trajectories of ecosystems under climate change; however, our understanding of these …
Building consensus around the assessment and interpretation of Symbiodiniaceae diversity
Dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae occupy multiple ecological niches on tropical,
subtropical, and temperate reefs, ranging from species that are exclusively free-living to …
subtropical, and temperate reefs, ranging from species that are exclusively free-living to …
Symbioses are restructured by repeated mass coral bleaching
Survival of symbiotic reef-building corals under global warming requires rapid acclimation or
adaptation. The impact of accumulated heat stress was compared across 1643 symbiont …
adaptation. The impact of accumulated heat stress was compared across 1643 symbiont …
The Coral Bleaching Automated Stress System (CBASS): A low‐cost, portable system for standardized empirical assessments of coral thermal limits
Ocean warming is increasingly affecting marine ecosystems across the globe. Reef‐building
corals are particularly affected by warming, with mass bleaching events increasing in …
corals are particularly affected by warming, with mass bleaching events increasing in …
Empirically derived thermal thresholds of four coral species along the Red Sea using a portable and standardized experimental approach
Global warming is causing an unprecedented loss of species and habitats worldwide. This is
particularly apparent for tropical coral reefs, with an increasing number of reefs experiencing …
particularly apparent for tropical coral reefs, with an increasing number of reefs experiencing …