[KNYGA][B] Revision: Cognitive and instructional processes
L Allal, L Chanquoy, P Largy - 2004 - Springer
Kluwer Academic Publishers continues to publish the international book series Studies in
Writing, founded by Amsterdam University Press. The intended readers are all those …
Writing, founded by Amsterdam University Press. The intended readers are all those …
Playing devil's advocate: Evaluating the literature of the WAC/WID movement
R Ochsner, J Fowler - Review of Educational Research, 2004 - journals.sagepub.com
This review considers evidence cited in support of and in opposition to Writing Across the
Curriculum (WAC) and Writing in the Disciplines (WID). After defining WAC and WID terms …
Curriculum (WAC) and Writing in the Disciplines (WID). After defining WAC and WID terms …
Motivation and writing
S Hidi, P Boscolo - Handbook of writing research, 2006 - books.google.com
The psychological conceptualization of motivation to write has developed relatively recently
and has continued to change under the influence of the various motivational theories and …
and has continued to change under the influence of the various motivational theories and …
[HTML][HTML] Navigating the data frontier in science assessment: Advancing data augmentation strategies for machine learning applications with generative artificial …
PP Martin, N Graulich - Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Machine learning (ML) techniques are commonly seen as an inductive learning
procedure, typically involving the identification of patterns in a specific training dataset to …
procedure, typically involving the identification of patterns in a specific training dataset to …
Genre and cognitive development: Beyond writing to learn
C Bazerman - Pratiques. Linguistique, littérature …, 2009 - journals.openedition.org
As writers we all have had the experience of coming to a new perspective, seeing things
differently, as the result of having written a paper, a report, an application or other text that …
differently, as the result of having written a paper, a report, an application or other text that …
Lernstrategien: Zur Strukturierung des Forschungsfeldes
HF Friedrich, H Mandl - Handbuch Lernstrategien, 2006 - books.google.com
Díe zentrale Idee, die diesem Band zugrunde liegt, ist recht einfach und besagt: Man kann
viele Aspekte des eigenen Lernens durch strategisches Verhalten selbst beeinflussen. In …
viele Aspekte des eigenen Lernens durch strategisches Verhalten selbst beeinflussen. In …
Examining the use of talk and writing for students' development of scientific conceptual knowledge through constructing and critiquing arguments
This study developed an analytic framework consisting of four patterns of talk and writing
that can support students' engagement in construction and critique: Talk only, writing only …
that can support students' engagement in construction and critique: Talk only, writing only …
Effects of feedback on collaborative writing in an online learning environment
The need for supporting student writing has received much attention in writing research. One
specific type of support is feedback—including peer feedback—on the writing process …
specific type of support is feedback—including peer feedback—on the writing process …
Changing world: Changing pedagogy
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the requirements of the rapidly changing world of
work with regard to vocational competences and professional expertise, as well as their …
work with regard to vocational competences and professional expertise, as well as their …
Lectura, escritura y adquisición de conocimientos en Educación Secundaria y Educación Universitaria
I Solé, M Mateos, M Miras, E Martín… - Journal for the …, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación que identifica y caracteriza las tareas
de lectura y escritura que se proponen y realizan para aprender. Se utilizó un diseño …
de lectura y escritura que se proponen y realizan para aprender. Se utilizó un diseño …