Applications of artificial intelligence in inventory management: A systematic review of the literature
Today, companies that want to keep up with technological development and globalization
must be able to effectively manage their supply chains to achieve high quality, increased …
must be able to effectively manage their supply chains to achieve high quality, increased …
Demand forecasting with supply‐chain information and machine learning: Evidence in the pharmaceutical industry
Accurate demand forecasting is critical for supply chain efficiency, especially for the
pharmaceutical (pharma) supply chain due to its unique characteristics. However, limited …
pharmaceutical (pharma) supply chain due to its unique characteristics. However, limited …
[HTML][HTML] Revealing the hidden potentials of Internet of Things (IoT)-An integrated approach using agent-based modelling and system dynamics to assess sustainable …
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) brings new opportunities for creating intelligent and
streamlined supply chains that have better environmental and cost performance as …
streamlined supply chains that have better environmental and cost performance as …
Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management: A State-of-the-Art Literature Review
In recent years, there has been a growing surge of interest in the application of data
analytics (DA) within the realm of supply chain management (SCM), attracting attention from …
analytics (DA) within the realm of supply chain management (SCM), attracting attention from …
Explainability through uncertainty: Trustworthy decision-making with neural networks
Uncertainty is a key feature of any machine learning model and is particularly important in
neural networks, which tend to be overconfident. This overconfidence is worrying under …
neural networks, which tend to be overconfident. This overconfidence is worrying under …
[HTML][HTML] Multiple criteria decision support system for customer segmentation using a sorting outranking method
For companies, customer segmentation plays a key role in improving supply chain
management by implementing appropriate marketing strategies. The objectives of this …
management by implementing appropriate marketing strategies. The objectives of this …
[HTML][HTML] An analysis of critical factors for adopting machine learning in manufacturing supply chains
This study identifies and examines the critical factors for adopting machine learning
technologies in manufacturing supply chains. Initially, a thorough literature review was …
technologies in manufacturing supply chains. Initially, a thorough literature review was …
Comparative optimization of global solar radiation forecasting using machine learning and time series models
The increasing use of solar energy as a source of renewable energy has led to increasing
the interest in photovoltaic (PV) power outputs forecasting. In the meantime, forecasting …
the interest in photovoltaic (PV) power outputs forecasting. In the meantime, forecasting …
Optimal product and after-sales service decisions considering risk attitudes under price-dependent uncertain demand
In this paper, we investigate a service-oriented manufacturer that provides fashionable
products with after-sales services to customers. Before the selling season, the manufacturer …
products with after-sales services to customers. Before the selling season, the manufacturer …
When is the next order? Nowcasting channel inventories with Point-of-Sales data to predict the timing of retail orders
Slow-moving goods are common in many retail settings and occupy a vast part of retail
shelves. Since stores sell these products irregularly and in small quantities, the replenishing …
shelves. Since stores sell these products irregularly and in small quantities, the replenishing …