[HTML][HTML] limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies
Abstract limma is an R/Bioconductor software package that provides an integrated solution
for analysing data from gene expression experiments. It contains rich features for handling …
for analysing data from gene expression experiments. It contains rich features for handling …
[HTML][HTML] Stem cells and the differentiation hierarchy in mammary gland development
The mammary gland is a highly dynamic organ that undergoes profound changes within its
epithelium during puberty and the reproductive cycle. These changes are fueled by …
epithelium during puberty and the reproductive cycle. These changes are fueled by …
A single‐cell RNA expression atlas of normal, preneoplastic and tumorigenic states in the human breast
To examine global changes in breast heterogeneity across different states, we determined
the single‐cell transcriptomes of> 340,000 cells encompassing normal breast, preneoplastic …
the single‐cell transcriptomes of> 340,000 cells encompassing normal breast, preneoplastic …
From reads to genes to pathways: differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq experiments using Rsubread and the edgeR quasi-likelihood pipeline
In recent years, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has become a very widely used technology for
profiling gene expression. One of the most common aims of RNA-seq profiling is to identify …
profiling gene expression. One of the most common aims of RNA-seq profiling is to identify …
RNA-seq analysis is easy as 1-2-3 with limma, Glimma and edgeR
The ability to easily and efficiently analyse RNA-sequencing data is a key strength of the
Bioconductor project. Starting with counts summarised at the gene-level, a typical analysis …
Bioconductor project. Starting with counts summarised at the gene-level, a typical analysis …
Metastatic latency and immune evasion through autocrine inhibition of WNT
Metastasis frequently develops years after the removal of a primary tumor, from a minority of
disseminated cancer cells that survived as latent entities through unknown mechanisms. We …
disseminated cancer cells that survived as latent entities through unknown mechanisms. We …
Profiling human breast epithelial cells using single cell RNA sequencing identifies cell diversity
Breast cancer arises from breast epithelial cells that acquire genetic alterations leading to
subsequent loss of tissue homeostasis. Several distinct epithelial subpopulations have been …
subsequent loss of tissue homeostasis. Several distinct epithelial subpopulations have been …
ZFP281 drives a mesenchymal-like dormancy program in early disseminated breast cancer cells that prevents metastatic outgrowth in the lung
Increasing evidence shows that cancer cells can disseminate from early evolved primary
lesions much earlier than the classical metastasis models predicted. Here, we reveal at a …
lesions much earlier than the classical metastasis models predicted. Here, we reveal at a …
Functional genomic landscape of human breast cancer drivers, vulnerabilities, and resistance
Large-scale genomic studies have identified multiple somatic aberrations in breast cancer,
including copy number alterations and point mutations. Still, identifying causal variants and …
including copy number alterations and point mutations. Still, identifying causal variants and …
Mammary stem cells and the differentiation hierarchy: current status and perspectives
The mammary epithelium is highly responsive to local and systemic signals, which
orchestrate morphogenesis of the ductal tree during puberty and pregnancy. Based on …
orchestrate morphogenesis of the ductal tree during puberty and pregnancy. Based on …