[PDF][PDF] Predictors of suicide in adolescents and adults with mood and common comorbid disorders
Depression is the most common disorder in people who die by suicide. Studies have
recognized many risk factors for suicide in mood disorders. However, there are …
recognized many risk factors for suicide in mood disorders. However, there are …
The prediction model of suicidal thoughts in Korean adults using decision tree analysis: a nationwide cross-sectional study
SM Bae - PloS one, 2019 - journals.plos.org
The purpose of this retrospective decisional analysis study is to develop the prediction
model of suicidal ideation. We used a Decision Tree Analysis using SPSS 23.0 program to …
model of suicidal ideation. We used a Decision Tree Analysis using SPSS 23.0 program to …
Comparative effectiveness of ultra-brief, IPT-a based crisis intervention for suicidal children and adolescents
E Adini-Spigelman, Y Gvion… - Archives of suicide …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Background In recent years, suicidal thoughts and behaviors have become increasingly
common among children and adolescents, leading to an elevation in the number of visits to …
common among children and adolescents, leading to an elevation in the number of visits to …
Взаимосвязь отношения к смерти и склонности к саморазрушающему поведению у подростков
НЮ Жукова - Вопросы психического здоровья детей и подростков, 2017 - elibrary.ru
В статье приводится обзор исследований взаимосвязи отношения к смерти и
саморазрушающего поведения. Приводятся статистические данные суицидов и …
саморазрушающего поведения. Приводятся статистические данные суицидов и …
Перфекціонізм як чинник саморуйнівної поведінки
А Саска - 2024 - er.ucu.edu.ua
Основна мета дослідження—аналіз впливу перфекціонізму на саморуйнівну поведінку
осіб раннього дорослого віку. Було опитано 140 осіб віком від 18 до 40 років за …
осіб раннього дорослого віку. Було опитано 140 осіб віком від 18 до 40 років за …
Psychiatric disorders in youth suicide and suicide attempters.
ML Frenk, C Bursztein, A Apter - 2021 - psycnet.apa.org
It appears that almost any diagnosable psychiatric disorder may increase the risk for suicide.
Psychiatric illnesses in adolescence are especially dangerous when they occur in …
Psychiatric illnesses in adolescence are especially dangerous when they occur in …
MA Kalinina - Главный редактор, 2001 - psychildhealth.ru
The article presents the results of clinical follow-up studies of groups of children at high risk
for schizophrenia compared to the group of children with autism spectrum disorders and …
for schizophrenia compared to the group of children with autism spectrum disorders and …