Impacts of nitrogen addition on plant biodiversity in mountain grasslands depend on dose, application duration and climate: a systematic review

JY Humbert, JM Dwyer, A Andrey… - Global change …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Although the influence of nitrogen (N) addition on grassland plant communities has been
widely studied, it is still unclear whether observed patterns and underlying mechanisms are …

Influence of sustainable fertilization on yield and quality food of Mountain Grassland

C Samuil, M Stavarache, C Sirbu… - Notulae Botanicae Horti …, 2018 -
The semi-natural grasslands in Romanian mountains are particularly important for the
sustainable development of this region. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to …

Effect of liquid organic fertilizer on the chemical composition and nutritive value of natural Agropyron repens grassland

T Zhelyazkova, M Gerdzhikova - Journal of Central European …, 2023 -
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of organic leaf fertilization on the chemical
composition, nutritive value, yield of crude protein (CP) and feed units of natural Agropyron …

[PDF][PDF] Technologies used for maintaining oligotrophic grasslands and their biodiversity in a mountain landscape

F Păcurar, Á Balazsi, I Rotar, I Vaida, A Reif… - Romanian Biotechnol …, 2020 -
Conservation of oligotrophic grasslands and of biodiversity of mountainous landscapes
continues to be a challenge in Europe. Numerous studies have identified technologies for …

Mineral versus organic fertilization. Effect on the quality of forages produced on a grassland of Nardus stricta L.

D Tarcău, SM Cucu Man, M Stavarache, C Samuil… - 2012 -
The study aimed to assess the quality of forages obtained from a permanent grassland of
Dorna Depression (Romania) under the influence of organic versus mineral fertilization. The …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of fertilization with liquid organic fertilizer on the productivity and botanical composition of natural Agropyron repens grassland.

T Zhelyazkova, M Gerdzhikova - … Papers. Series A …, 2022 -
The aim of this study was to establish the influence of organic leaf fertilization on the
productivity and botanical composition of natural grassland Agropyron repens type in the …

[PDF][PDF] Oligotrophy as a condition for the mycorrhizal status in two dominant grasses

L Corcoz, R Vidican, V Pop-Moldovan… - Romanian Journal of …, 2021 -
The too high ratio between outputs versus inputs from the practical ecosystem has over time
led to the creation of nutrient-poor soils, a phenomenon called oligotrophy. This …

Ефект на торенето с течен органичен тор върху химичния състав и хранителната стойност на естествен тревостой Agropyron repens тип

T ZHELYAZKOVA, M GERDZHIKOVA - Journal of Central European …, 2023 -
Sažetak Целта на това изследване е да се определи ефекта на органичното листно
торене върху химичния състав, хранителната стойност, добива на суров протеин и …

Gljive povezane s bolestima gljivičnog raka na maslini u Istri (Hrvatska)

D IVIĆ, E PETROVIĆ, S GODENA - Journal of Central European …, 2023 -
Sažetak Terensko istraživanje maslinika u Istri (Hrvatska), provedeno je od 2016. do 2018.
godine s ciljem utvrđivanja potencijalnih patogena povezanih s odumiranjem i sušenjem …

Hnojení a vápnění horských travních porostů-shrnutí současných poznatků.

V Pavlů, L Pavlů, J Gaisler, M Hejcman - Opera Corcontica, 2017 -
Příspěvek shrnuje současné znalosti o hnojení horských travních porostů ve vztahu k
produkci biomasy, obsahu živin v půdě a druhové diverzitě rostlin. Je provedena rešerše …