Magnetic texture based magnonics
The spontaneous magnetic orders arising in ferro-, ferri-and antiferromagnets stem from
various magnetic interactions. Depending on the interplay and competition among the …
various magnetic interactions. Depending on the interplay and competition among the …
A review on two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials and their potential applications in spintronics and spin-caloritronic
The class of two-dimensional (2D) materials is critical in the domain of scientific investigation
and technology due to its low dimensionality which offers a unique platform to modify the …
and technology due to its low dimensionality which offers a unique platform to modify the …
Interplay of spin-orbit torque and thermoelectric effects in ferromagnet/normal-metal bilayers
We present harmonic transverse voltage measurements of current-induced thermoelectric
and spin-orbit torque (SOT) effects in ferromagnet/normal-metal bilayers, in which thermal …
and spin-orbit torque (SOT) effects in ferromagnet/normal-metal bilayers, in which thermal …
Low-power non-volatile spintronic memory: STT-RAM and beyond
The quest for novel low-dissipation devices is one of the most critical for the future of
semiconductor technology and nano-systems. The development of a low-power, universal …
semiconductor technology and nano-systems. The development of a low-power, universal …
Spin seebeck insulator
Thermoelectric generation is an essential function in future energy-saving technologies,.
However, it has so far been an exclusive feature of electric conductors, a situation which …
However, it has so far been an exclusive feature of electric conductors, a situation which …
Spin caloritronics
Spintronics is about the coupled electron spin and charge transport in condensed-matter
structures and devices. The recently invigorated field of spin caloritronics focuses on the …
structures and devices. The recently invigorated field of spin caloritronics focuses on the …
Observation of longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect in magnetic insulators
We propose a longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect (SSE), in which a magnon-induced spin
current is injected parallel to a temperature gradient from a ferromagnet into an attached …
current is injected parallel to a temperature gradient from a ferromagnet into an attached …
Observation of the spin Seebeck effect
The generation of electric voltage by placing a conductor in a temperature gradient is called
the Seebeck effect,. Its efficiency is represented by the Seebeck coefficient, S, which is …
the Seebeck effect,. Its efficiency is represented by the Seebeck coefficient, S, which is …
Theory of the spin Seebeck effect
The spin Seebeck effect refers to the generation of a spin voltage caused by a temperature
gradient in a ferromagnet, which enables the thermal injection of spin currents from the …
gradient in a ferromagnet, which enables the thermal injection of spin currents from the …
Spintronics encompasses the ever-evolving field of magnetic electronics. It is an applied
discipline that is so forward-looking that much of the research that supports it is at the center …
discipline that is so forward-looking that much of the research that supports it is at the center …