Twenty-five years of the spiral of silence: A conceptual review and empirical outlook
DA Scheufle, P Moy - International journal of public opinion …, 2000 - academic.oup.com
Numerous studies have been conducted on the spiral of silence since Noelle-Neumann
(1974) formulated the theory a quarter of a century ago. As a whole, these studies draw …
(1974) formulated the theory a quarter of a century ago. As a whole, these studies draw …
Thinking about the media: A review of theory and research on media perceptions, media effects perceptions, and their consequences
This review explicates the past, present and future of theory and research concerning
audience perceptions of the media as well as the effects that perceptions of media have on …
audience perceptions of the media as well as the effects that perceptions of media have on …
Online product opinions: Incidence, evaluation, and evolution
Whereas recent research has demonstrated the impact of online product ratings and reviews
on product sales, we still have a limited understanding of the individual's decision to …
on product sales, we still have a limited understanding of the individual's decision to …
Do I follow my friends or the crowd? Information cascades in online movie ratings
Online product ratings are widely available on the Internet and are known to influence
prospective buyers. An emerging literature has started to look at how ratings are generated …
prospective buyers. An emerging literature has started to look at how ratings are generated …
Like the ad or the brand? Marketing stimulates different electronic word-of-mouth content to drive online and offline performance
K Pauwels, Z Aksehirli, A Lackman - International Journal of Research in …, 2016 - Elsevier
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is often tracked in volume and valence metrics, but the
topic of conversation may vary from the brand to its advertising to purchase statements. How …
topic of conversation may vary from the brand to its advertising to purchase statements. How …
[SÁCH][B] Political campaigning in referendums: Framing the referendum issue
HA Semetko, CH de Vreese - 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
This book reviews the research on campaigns and elections and investigates the effects of
campaigning in referendums, drawing on panel survey data, media content data, focus …
campaigning in referendums, drawing on panel survey data, media content data, focus …
Name recognition and candidate support
The mass media devote a great deal of attention to high‐profile elections, but in American
political life such elections are the exception, not the rule. The majority of electoral contests …
political life such elections are the exception, not the rule. The majority of electoral contests …
How voters respond to presidential assaults on checks and balances: Evidence from a survey experiment in Turkey
Why do voters support executive aggrandizement? One possible answer is that they do so
because they think this will ease their preferred leader's hand in putting their partisan vision …
because they think this will ease their preferred leader's hand in putting their partisan vision …
Beliefs and voting decisions: A test of the pivotal voter model
We report results from a laboratory experiment testing the basic hypothesis embedded in
various rational voter models that there is a direct correlation between the strength of an …
various rational voter models that there is a direct correlation between the strength of an …
Think twice before jum** on the bandwagon: Clarifying concepts in research on the bandwagon effect
M Barnfield - Political studies review, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The potential influence of perceived popularity of political parties or candidates on individual
vote choice is most commonly studied in terms of a 'bandwagon effect'. However, there is …
vote choice is most commonly studied in terms of a 'bandwagon effect'. However, there is …