Propagation of kink and anti-kink wave solitons for the nonlinear damped modified Korteweg–de Vries equation arising in ion-acoustic wave in an unmagnetized …
In this research work, we investigate the dust ion-acoustic solitary wave in an unmagnetized
collisional dusty plasma, which consists on ions having positive charge, dust fluid with …
collisional dusty plasma, which consists on ions having positive charge, dust fluid with …
[HTML][HTML] Nonlinear behavior of dust acoustic periodic soliton structures of nonlinear damped modified Korteweg–de Vries equation in dusty plasma
In this article, the nonlinear plasma model known the damped modified Korteweg–de Vries
equation under consideration on the base of analytical technique to know the novel …
equation under consideration on the base of analytical technique to know the novel …
Solitary wave solution and dynamic transition of dust ion acoustic waves in a collisional nonextensive dusty plasma with ionization effect
The solitary wave solution and dynamic transition of dust ion acoustic waves (DIAWs) are
studied in an unmagnetized collisional dusty plasma, which consists of negatively charged …
studied in an unmagnetized collisional dusty plasma, which consists of negatively charged …
Ion-acoustic solitary wave solutions of nonlinear damped Korteweg–de Vries and damped modified Korteweg–de Vries dynamical equations
By using the reductive perturbation technique, the nonlinear dust ion-acoustic solitary wave
models of the damped Korteweg–de Vries (D-KdV) and modified damped Korteweg–de …
models of the damped Korteweg–de Vries (D-KdV) and modified damped Korteweg–de …
Dust-acoustic solitary waves in an inhomogeneous magnetized hot dusty plasma with dust charge fluctuations
Using a standard reductive perturbation theory, a Zakharov-Kuznnetsov (ZK) equation is
derived in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma comprised of negatively charged dust grains of …
derived in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma comprised of negatively charged dust grains of …
Dust charging processes in the nonequilibrium dusty plasma with nonextensive power-law distribution
J Gong, J Du - Physics of Plasmas, 2012 -
The dust charging processes in the collections of electrons and ions in the nonequilibrium
dusty plasma with power-law distributions are investigated on the basic of a new q …
dusty plasma with power-law distributions are investigated on the basic of a new q …
On dust ion acoustic solitary waves in collisional dusty plasmas with ionization effect
The propagation of solitary waves in an unmagnetized collisional dusty plasma consisting of
a negatively charged dust fluid, positively charged ions, isothermal electrons, and …
a negatively charged dust fluid, positively charged ions, isothermal electrons, and …
Effects of two-temperature electrons, external oblique magnetic field, and higher-order nonlinearity on dust acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with vortex-like …
Nonlinear properties of the dust acoustic (DA) solitary waves in a dusty plasma consisting of
negatively variable-charged dust particles, vortex-like distributed ions and two-temperature …
negatively variable-charged dust particles, vortex-like distributed ions and two-temperature …
Compressive solitons in a moving ep plasma under the effect of dust grains and an external magnetic field
R Malik, HK Malik - Journal of theoretical and Applied Physics, 2013 - Springer
A theoretical investigation concerning the propagation of compressive solitons in a plasma
comprising electrons, positrons, and dust grains is presented by considering the dust grains …
comprising electrons, positrons, and dust grains is presented by considering the dust grains …
Cylindrical and spherical dust acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasma with superthermal ions and electrons
Nonlinear propagation of cylindrical and spherical dust-acoustic solitons in an
unmagnetized dusty plasma consisting of cold dust grains, superthermal ions and electrons …
unmagnetized dusty plasma consisting of cold dust grains, superthermal ions and electrons …