CoVR: Cloud-based multiuser virtual reality headset system for project communication of remote users
Inefficient communication among project stakeholders is one of the most critical issues in the
architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. In reality, it is difficult to create a …
architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. In reality, it is difficult to create a …
BIM cloud score: Benchmarking BIM performance
A variety of building information modeling (BIM) performance evaluation initiatives have
been proposed to quantify BIM utilization capacity of enterprises. These initiatives were …
been proposed to quantify BIM utilization capacity of enterprises. These initiatives were …
A model-service deployment strategy for collaboratively sharing geo-analysis models in an open web environment
Y Wen, M Chen, S Yue, P Zheng… - International journal of …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Geo-analysis models can be shared and reused via model-services to support more
effective responses to risks and help to build a sustainable world. The deployment of model …
effective responses to risks and help to build a sustainable world. The deployment of model …
Optimization of simulation and visualization analysis of dam-failure flood disaster for diverse computing systems
Simulation and subsequent visualization in a network environment are important to glean
insights into spatiotemporal processes. As computing systems become increasingly diverse …
insights into spatiotemporal processes. As computing systems become increasingly diverse …
A Cloud-based shareable library of cooperative behaviors for Agent Based Modeling in construction
Recognizing the importance of cooperation in construction, a growing community of scholars
has started applying Agent Based Modeling (ABM) to investigate micro-level cooperative …
has started applying Agent Based Modeling (ABM) to investigate micro-level cooperative …
[PDF][PDF] Multiuser immersive virtual reality application for realtime collaboration in design review process
MRS TEA, K Panuwatwanich - 2019 -
Most project stakeholders have experienced problems understanding each other during a
design review process of complex construction projects while staying remotely. In reality, the …
design review process of complex construction projects while staying remotely. In reality, the …