Sok: Deep learning-based physical side-channel analysis

S Picek, G Perin, L Mariot, L Wu, L Batina - ACM Computing Surveys, 2023‏ -
Side-channel attacks represent a realistic and serious threat to the security of embedded
devices for already almost three decades. A variety of attacks and targets they can be …

The side-channel metrics cheat sheet

K Papagiannopoulos, O Glamočanin… - ACM Computing …, 2023‏ -
Side-channel attacks exploit a physical observable originating from a cryptographic device
in order to extract its secrets. Many practically relevant advances in the field of side-channel …

The best of two worlds: Deep learning-assisted template attack

L Wu, G Perin, S Picek - IACR Transactions on Cryptographic …, 2022‏ -
In the last decade, machine learning-based side-channel attacks have become a standard
option when investigating profiling side-channel attacks. At the same time, the previous state …

Information theory-based evolution of neural networks for side-channel analysis

RY Acharya, F Ganji, D Forte - IACR Transactions on Cryptographic …, 2023‏ -
Profiled side-channel analysis (SCA) leverages leakage from cryptographic
implementations to extract the secret key. When combined with advanced methods in neural …

Label correlation in deep learning-based side-channel analysis

L Wu, L Weissbart, M Krček, H Li… - Ieee transactions on …, 2023‏ -
The efficiency of the profiling side-channel analysis can be significantly improved with
machine learning techniques. Although powerful, a fundamental machine learning limitation …

Breaking masked implementations of the clyde-cipher by means of side-channel analysis: A report on the ches challenge side-channel contest 2020

A Gohr, F Laus, W Schindler - IACR Transactions on Cryptographic …, 2022‏ -
In this paper we present our solution to the CHES Challenge 2020, the task of which it was
to break masked hardware respective software implementations of the lightweight cipher …

[HTML][HTML] A Post-Quantum Digital Signature Using Verkle Trees and Lattices

M Iavich, T Kuchukhidze, R Bocu - Symmetry, 2023‏ -
Research on quantum computers has advanced significantly in recent years. If humanity
ever creates an effective quantum computer, many of the present public key cryptosystems …

Investigating CRYSTALS-Kyber Vulnerabilities: Attack Analysis and Mitigation

M Iavich, T Kuchukhidze - Cryptography, 2024‏ -
Significant advancements have been achieved in the field of quantum computing in recent
years. If somebody ever creates a sufficiently strong quantum computer, many of the public …

Being patient and persistent: Optimizing an early stop** strategy for deep learning in profiled attacks

S Paguada, L Batina, I Buhan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023‏ -
The absence of an algorithm that effectively monitors the deep learning models used in side-
channel attacks increases the difficulty of a security evaluation. If an attack is unsuccessful …

Side-channel analysis based on Siamese neural network

D Li, L Li, Y Ou - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2024‏ - Springer
In recent years, the combination of deep learning and side-channel analysis has received
extensive attention. Previous research has shown that the key recovery problem can be …