Large gradual solar energetic particle events
Solar energetic particles, or SEPs, from suprathermal (few keV) up to relativistic (∼∼ few
GeV) energies are accelerated near the Sun in at least two ways:(1) by magnetic …
GeV) energies are accelerated near the Sun in at least two ways:(1) by magnetic …
The two sources of solar energetic particles
Evidence for two different physical mechanisms for acceleration of solar energetic particles
(SEPs) arose 50 years ago with radio observations of type III bursts, produced by outward …
(SEPs) arose 50 years ago with radio observations of type III bursts, produced by outward …
Theory and transport of nearly incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
The theory of nearly incompressible magnetohydrodynamics (NI MHD) was developed
largely in the early 1990s, together with an important extension to inhomogeneous flows in …
largely in the early 1990s, together with an important extension to inhomogeneous flows in …
[ספר][B] Nonlinear cosmic ray diffusion theories
A Shalchi - 2009 - Springer
If charged particles move through the interplanetary or interstellar medium, they interact with
a large-scale magnetic field such as the magnetic field of the Sun or the Galactic magnetic …
a large-scale magnetic field such as the magnetic field of the Sun or the Galactic magnetic …
Non-thermal electron acceleration in low mach number collisionless shocks. I. Particle energy spectra and acceleration mechanism
Electron acceleration to non-thermal energies in low Mach number (M s≲ 5) shocks is
revealed by radio and X-ray observations of galaxy clusters and solar flares, but the electron …
revealed by radio and X-ray observations of galaxy clusters and solar flares, but the electron …
Perpendicular transport of energetic particles in magnetic turbulence
Scientists have explored how energetic particles such as solar energetic particles and
cosmic rays move through a magnetized plasma such as the interplanetary and interstellar …
cosmic rays move through a magnetized plasma such as the interplanetary and interstellar …
Energy spectra, composition, and other properties of ground-level events during solar cycle 23
We report spacecraft measurements of the energy spectra of solar protons and other solar
energetic particle properties during the 16 Ground Level Events (GLEs) of Solar Cycle 23 …
energetic particle properties during the 16 Ground Level Events (GLEs) of Solar Cycle 23 …
Entropy defect in thermodynamics
This paper describes the physical foundations of the newly discovered “entropy defect” as a
basic concept of thermodynamics. The entropy defect quantifies the change in entropy …
basic concept of thermodynamics. The entropy defect quantifies the change in entropy …
The transport of low-frequency turbulence in astrophysical flows. I. Governing equations
Numerous problems in space physics and astrophysics require a detailed understanding of
the transport and dissipation of low-frequency turbulence in an expanding magnetized flow …
the transport and dissipation of low-frequency turbulence in an expanding magnetized flow …
Space plasma physics: A review
Owing to the ever-present solar wind, our vast solar system is full of plasmas. The turbulent
solar wind, together with sporadic solar eruptions, introduces various space plasma …
solar wind, together with sporadic solar eruptions, introduces various space plasma …