Automated management of off-site storage volumes for disaster recovery
DM Cannon, MA Kaczmarski - US Patent 5,673,382, 1997 - Google Patents
A data processing system providing disaster recovery and using a client-server configuration
provides a method and apparatus for reclaiming off-site storage volumes without requiring …
provides a method and apparatus for reclaiming off-site storage volumes without requiring …
Process for distributed garbage collection
A Bejar - US Patent 5,991,779, 1999 - Google Patents
5, 051891 9/1991 MacPhail......... 364/200 looking for a rooted (persistent) object. Objects
respond tO 5,088,036 2/1992 Ellis et al..... 395/425 the root request message with an …
respond tO 5,088,036 2/1992 Ellis et al..... 395/425 the root request message with an …
Method for automatic memory reclamation for object-oriented systems with real-time constraints
SL Engelstad, KF Falck, JE Vandendorpe - US Patent 5,485,613, 1996 - Google Patents
[57] ABSTRACT A method for memory reclamation for object-oriented pro gram-controlled
systems with real-time constraints. Resource reclamation, commonly called garbage …
systems with real-time constraints. Resource reclamation, commonly called garbage …
Computer system, program product and method of managing weak references with a concurrent mark sweep collector
JC Endicott, DR Hicks, EK Kolodner… - US Patent …, 2000 - Google Patents
57 ABSTRACT A computer System, program product, and method of man aging weak
references with a concurrent mark Sweep col lector inhibit access, while processing weak …
references with a concurrent mark Sweep col lector inhibit access, while processing weak …
Load-balancing queues employing LIFO/FIFO work stealing
NN Shavit, SK Heller, CH Flood - US Patent 7,103,887, 2006 - Google Patents
4,482,956 A* 1 1/1984 Tallman...................... T10/200 4,584,640 A 4, 1986 MacGregor et al.
4,775,932 A 10/1988 Oxley et al. 4,912,629 A 3/1990 Shuler, Jr. 4,989,134 A 1, 1991 Shaw …
4,775,932 A 10/1988 Oxley et al. 4,912,629 A 3/1990 Shuler, Jr. 4,989,134 A 1, 1991 Shaw …
Deduplication storage system with efficient reference updating and space reclamation
X Zhang, H She - US Patent 10,275,397, 2019 - Google Patents
US10275397B2 - Deduplication storage system with efficient reference updating and space
reclamation - Google Patents US10275397B2 - Deduplication storage system with efficient …
reclamation - Google Patents US10275397B2 - Deduplication storage system with efficient …
Shared memory implementations for session data within a multi-tiered enterprise network
G Stanev - US Patent 8,762,547, 2014 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS----0 separate hierarchy of session domains is implemented
within 5,274,804 A 12/1993 Jackson et al. each layer of an enterprise application server. For …
within 5,274,804 A 12/1993 Jackson et al. each layer of an enterprise application server. For …
Work stealing queues for parallel garbage collection
CH Flood, DL Detlefs, NN Shavit, X Zhang… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
4,584,640 A 4, 1986 MacGregor et al. 4,775,932 A 10/1988 Oxley et al. 4,912,629 A 3/1990
Shuler, Jr. 4,989,134 A 1, 1991 Shaw 5,088,036 A 2f1992 Ellis et al. 5,241,673 A 8, 1993 …
Shuler, Jr. 4,989,134 A 1, 1991 Shaw 5,088,036 A 2f1992 Ellis et al. 5,241,673 A 8, 1993 …
Transparent local and distributed memory management system
B Garst, A Ozer, B Serlet, T Matteson - US Patent 5,687,370, 1997 - Google Patents
US5687370A - Transparent local and distributed memory management system - Google Patents
US5687370A - Transparent local and distributed memory management system - Google …
US5687370A - Transparent local and distributed memory management system - Google …
System amd method for distributed object resource management
AG Bishop - US Patent 5,765,174, 1998 - Google Patents
[57] ABSTRACT A distributed object oriented computer system that has two classes of object
references: strong references and weak references. Weak references (or pointers) allow …
references: strong references and weak references. Weak references (or pointers) allow …