Data analytics in pharmaceutical supply chains: state of the art, opportunities, and challenges
In recent years, data analytics in pharmaceutical supply chains has aroused much interest
as it has the potential of enabling better supply and management of healthcare products by …
as it has the potential of enabling better supply and management of healthcare products by …
A comprehensive risk assessment framework for occupational health and safety in pharmaceutical warehouses using Pythagorean fuzzy Bayesian networks
Risk assessment plays a crucial role in managing occupational health and safety in various
industries, including pharmaceutical warehouses. Bayesian Networks (BN) have been …
industries, including pharmaceutical warehouses. Bayesian Networks (BN) have been …
Managing demand volatility of pharmaceutical products in times of disruption through news sentiment analysis
Unplanned events such as epidemic outbreaks, natural disasters, or major scandals are
usually accompanied by supply chain disruption and highly volatile demand. Besides …
usually accompanied by supply chain disruption and highly volatile demand. Besides …
Logistics reorganization and management of the ambulatory pharmacy of a local health unit in Portugal
Abstract The Hospital Pharmacy of a Local Health Unit (LHU) in greater Oporto plays a
major role in the community. In addition to providing medicines to the entire Internal Unit, it …
major role in the community. In addition to providing medicines to the entire Internal Unit, it …
Exploring internet of healthcare things for establishing an integrated care link system in the healthcare industry
HC Wan, KS Chin - International Journal of Engineering …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
With the ageing population all over the world, long-term care services, such as nursing care,
are essential to provide care and treatments to elderly patients in the community. During the …
are essential to provide care and treatments to elderly patients in the community. During the …
Intelligent E-vendor relationship management for enhancing global B2C E-commerce ecosystems
Recently, global e-commerce businesses have been blooming due to the convenience they
offer, their product range, and the individualized products and services they offer. To …
offer, their product range, and the individualized products and services they offer. To …
Two-stage matching decision-making method in medical service supply chain
Y Qiu, D Gu, H Zhang, H Tang… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Medical service matching between suppliers and demanders should be emphasised. The
supply chain promotes the development of practical matching decision-making methods …
supply chain promotes the development of practical matching decision-making methods …
Deriving mobility service policy issues based on text mining: a case study of gyeonggi province in South Korea
Mobility services facilitate various tasks related to transportation and passenger movements.
Because of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the importance of mobility services has been …
Because of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the importance of mobility services has been …
A digital twins model for analyzing and simulating cold chain risks
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, increasing attention has been paid to designing a cold
chain logistics mechanism to ensure the quality of vaccine delivery. In this study, a cold …
chain logistics mechanism to ensure the quality of vaccine delivery. In this study, a cold …
[PDF][PDF] Caracterización de contenido de sitios web turísticos mediante scra** y minería web para contribuir a la satisfacción de turista
El objetivo fue caracterizar el contenido de sitios web de agencias turísticas a través de
Scra** y Minería Web para contribuir a la satisfacción de turistas. La investigación fue …
Scra** y Minería Web para contribuir a la satisfacción de turistas. La investigación fue …