Online teaching in K-12 education in the United States: A systematic review

CC Johnson, JB Walton, L Strickler… - Review of Educational …, 2023 -
The transition to fully or partially online instruction for K–12 students necessitated by the
2020 COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the current lack of understanding of practices that …

What next for Universal Design for Learning? A systematic literature review of technology in UDL implementations at second level

A Bray, A Devitt, J Banks… - British Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
In the last two decades, there has been a global movement towards pedagogies that create
more inclusive school environments in order to meet the needs of diverse learners. One …

[PDF][PDF] Empowering ESL students: Harnessing the potential of social media to enhance academic motivation in higher education

M Ramzan, ZK Javaid, M Fatima - … Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 2023 -
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine how social media usage affects
students' academic motivation as a result of its extensive use around the world. However, it …

Incorporating TikTok in higher education: Pedagogical perspectives from a corporal expression sport sciences course

P Escamilla-Fajardo, M Alguacil… - Journal of Hospitality …, 2021 - Elsevier
Social media have revolutionised the way humans communicate and socialise. Education is
also changing; social media are transforming educational environments, and online or …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of information system success and technology acceptance model on social media factors in education

AM Al-Rahmi, A Shamsuddin, U Alturki, A Aldraiweesh… - Sustainability, 2021 -
The current study explores the students' behavioral intention to use social media and actual
social media use in higher education, specifically the perception of their academic …

Media Sosial sebagai Sumber Belajar bagi Generasi Z

A Pujiono, K Kanafi, M Farida - Regula Fidei: Jurnal …, 2022 -
The main reason for this research is the attachment of Generation Z's life to social media.
The author is interested in proving that social media is sufficient and interesting to be a …

Digitalization of education in modern scientific discourse: new trends and risks analysis.

EV Frolova, OV Rogach, TM Ryabova - European journal of contemporary …, 2020 - ERIC
The paper presents the results of systematic review of modern scientific publications
devoted to the digitalization of education. A review of Russian and foreign studies allows us …

Exploring The Use Of Social Media For Learning Speaking By The Eleventh Grade Students Of SMAN 3 Kediri

SN Khofifah, ASB Ningrum… - Magister …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of social media for learning to speak, as
well as the challenges and motivations for doing so. The subject of this study is the eleventh …