Rifting, lithosphere breakup and volcanism: Comparison of magma-poor and volcanic rifted margins

D Franke - Marine and Petroleum geology, 2013 - Elsevier
Traditionally active rifts are thought to evolve in response to thermal upwelling of the
asthenosphere, whereas passive rifts develop in response to lithospheric extension driven …

Weathering indices as climate proxies. A step forward based on Congo and SW African river muds

PA Dinis, E Garzanti, A Hahn, P Vermeesch… - Earth-Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
Despite the influence of other geological and geomorphological factors, chemical
weathering at the Earth's surface is strongly controlled by climate. Thus, a measure of …

Kinematics of the South Atlantic rift

C Heine, J Zoethout, RD Müller - Solid Earth, 2013 - se.copernicus.org
The South Atlantic rift basin evolved as a branch of a large Jurassic–Cretaceous intraplate
rift zone between the African and South American plates during the final break-up of western …

A new scheme for the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean and the dissection of an Aptian salt basin

TH Torsvik, S Rousse, C Labails… - Geophysical Journal …, 2009 - academic.oup.com
We present a revised model for the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean founded on a
remap** of the continent—ocean boundaries and Aptian salt basins, the chronology of …

Crustal breakup and continent‐ocean transition at South Atlantic conjugate margins

OA Blaich, JI Faleide, F Tsikalas - Journal of Geophysical …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Seismic reflection and refraction profiles, and potential field data, complemented by crustal‐
scale gravity modeling and plate reconstructions are used to study the evolution of the …

Timing and origin of the South Atlantic pre-salt sag basins and their cap** evaporites

GD Karner, LAP Gambôa - 2007 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract Continental extension between West Africa and Brazil was responsible, directly or
indirectly, for the development of the pre-salt sag basins and the evaporites of the South …

South Atlantic salt basins–witnesses of complex passive margin evolution

PA Kukla, F Strozyk, WU Mohriak - Gondwana Research, 2018 - Elsevier
Cretaceous aged salt and salt-free basins along the continental margins of Brazil and
Angola/Namibia exhibit a rather heterogeneous geometry and basin fill which implies a …

Fluid flow features in hydrocarbon plumbing systems: What do they tell us about the basin evolution?

KJ Andresen - Marine Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
Fluid flow features such as sandstone intrusions, mud volcano systems and pockmarks
represent well-known geological structures generated due to flow of fluids in the subsurface …

Structure and geological history of the Congo Basin: an integrated interpretation of gravity, magnetic and reflection seismic data

E Kadima, D Delvaux, SN Sebagenzi, L Tack… - Basin …, 2011 - earthdoc.org
The stratigraphic, paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the intracratonic Congo Basin
in Central Africa has been revised on the basis of an integrated interpretation of gravity …

Segmentation and differential post-rift uplift at the Angola margin as recorded by the transform-rifted Benguela and oblique-to-orthogonal-rifted Kwanza basins

M Guiraud, A Buta-Neto, D Quesne - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2010 - Elsevier
We analyse tectonic and sedimentary field and subsurface data for the Angola onshore
margin together with free-air gravity anomaly data for the offshore margin. This enables us to …