Soot inception: Carbonaceous nanoparticle formation in flames
The route by which gas-phase molecules in hydrocarbon flames form condensed-phase
carbonaceous nanoparticles (incipient soot) is reviewed. These products of incomplete …
carbonaceous nanoparticles (incipient soot) is reviewed. These products of incomplete …
A review of terminology used to describe soot formation and evolution under combustion and pyrolytic conditions
This review presents a glossary and review of terminology used to describe the chemical
and physical processes involved in soot formation and evolution and is intended to aid in …
and physical processes involved in soot formation and evolution and is intended to aid in …
Probing soot formation, chemical and physical evolution, and oxidation: A review of in situ diagnostic techniques and needs
HA Michelsen - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017 - Elsevier
Soot is responsible for notoriously detrimental effects on human health, air quality, and
global and regional climate. Controlling soot emissions to the atmosphere will require …
global and regional climate. Controlling soot emissions to the atmosphere will require …
[HTML][HTML] On the early stages of soot formation: Molecular structure elucidation by high-resolution atomic force microscopy
The early stages of soot formation, namely inception and growth, are highly debated and
central to many ongoing studies in combustion research. Here, we provide new insights into …
central to many ongoing studies in combustion research. Here, we provide new insights into …
Modeling soot formation in flames and reactors: Recent progress and current challenges
MJ Thomson - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023 - Elsevier
The study of soot has long been motivated by its adverse impacts on health and the
environment. However, this combustion knowledge is also relevant to the production of …
environment. However, this combustion knowledge is also relevant to the production of …
[HTML][HTML] Insights into incipient soot formation by atomic force microscopy
Combustion-generated soot particles can have significant impact on climate, environment
and human health. Thus, understanding the processes governing the formation of soot …
and human health. Thus, understanding the processes governing the formation of soot …
Effects of oxygenated biofuel additives on soot formation: A comprehensive review of laboratory-scale studies
Oxygenated fuels have been widely used in combustion engines to tailor fuel properties,
improve combustion performance and reduce harmful emissions such as soot particles …
improve combustion performance and reduce harmful emissions such as soot particles …
Portraits of soot molecules reveal pathways to large aromatics, five-/seven-membered rings, and inception through π-radical localization
Incipient soot early in the flame was studied by high-resolution atomic force microscopy and
scanning tunneling microscopy to resolve the atomic structure and orbital densities of single …
scanning tunneling microscopy to resolve the atomic structure and orbital densities of single …
Turbulent combustion modelling and experiments: Recent trends and developments
The development of better laser-based experimental methods and the fast rise in computer
power has created an unprecedented shift in turbulent combustion research. The range of …
power has created an unprecedented shift in turbulent combustion research. The range of …
Assessing relative contributions of PAHs to soot mass by reversible heterogeneous nucleation and condensation
Given the recent EURO 6 regulations, which include limits on particle number density (and
hence size) for soot emissions from land vehicles, soot models must be capable of …
hence size) for soot emissions from land vehicles, soot models must be capable of …