Microwave photonics with superconducting quantum circuits
In the past 20 years, impressive progress has been made both experimentally and
theoretically in superconducting quantum circuits, which provide a platform for manipulating …
theoretically in superconducting quantum circuits, which provide a platform for manipulating …
Microwave-controlled generation of shaped single photons in circuit quantum electrodynamics
Large-scale quantum information processors or quantum communication networks will
require reliable exchange of information between spatially separated nodes. The links …
require reliable exchange of information between spatially separated nodes. The links …
Classical light vs. nonclassical light: characterizations and interesting applications
We briefly review the ideas that have shaped modern optics and have led to various
applications of light ranging from spectroscopy to astrophysics, and street lights to quantum …
applications of light ranging from spectroscopy to astrophysics, and street lights to quantum …
Single-photon synchronization with a room-temperature atomic quantum memory
Efficient synchronization of single photons that are compatible with narrow band atomic
transitions is an outstanding challenge, which could prove essential for photonic quantum …
transitions is an outstanding challenge, which could prove essential for photonic quantum …
Linear dynamical quantum systems
The main theme of this research monograph is modeling and control of a special class of
open quantum systems that shall be referred to as linear dynamical quantum systems. They …
open quantum systems that shall be referred to as linear dynamical quantum systems. They …
Bright multiplexed source of indistinguishable single photons with tunable GHz-bandwidth at room temperature
Narrowband single photons that couple well to atomic ensembles could prove essential for
future quantum networks, but the efficient generation of such photons remains an …
future quantum networks, but the efficient generation of such photons remains an …
An integrated quantum repeater at telecom wavelength with single atoms in optical fiber cavities
M Uphoff, M Brekenfeld, G Rempe, S Ritter - Applied Physics B, 2016 - Springer
Quantum repeaters promise to enable quantum networks over global distances by
circumventing the exponential decrease in success probability inherent in direct photon …
circumventing the exponential decrease in success probability inherent in direct photon …
Complete temporal characterization of a single photon
Precise information about the temporal mode of optical states is crucial for optimizing their
interaction efficiency between themselves and/or with matter in various quantum …
interaction efficiency between themselves and/or with matter in various quantum …
Time-resolved scattering of a single photon by a single atom
Scattering of light by matter has been studied extensively in the past. Yet, the most
fundamental process, the scattering of a single photon by a single atom, is largely …
fundamental process, the scattering of a single photon by a single atom, is largely …
Sha** the biphoton temporal waveform with spatial light modulation
We demonstrate a technique for sha** the temporal wave function of biphotons generated
from spatially modulated spontaneous four-wave mixing in cold atoms. We show that the …
from spatially modulated spontaneous four-wave mixing in cold atoms. We show that the …