Kondo effect in defect-bound quantum dots coupled to

TR Devidas, T Dvir, E Rossi, H Steinberg - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We report the fabrication of a van der Waals tunneling device hosting a defect-bound
quantum dot coupled to NbSe 2. We find that upon application of a magnetic field, the device …

Subgap spectrum for an interacting hybrid superconducting quantum dot

JS Lim, R López - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
We examine the formation of Andreev bound states in a metal-quantum-dot-BCS
superconductor system in the Coulomb blockade regime and the Kondo regime. We …

Interplay between electron pairing and Dicke effect in triple quantum dot structures

S Głodzik, KP Wójcik, I Weymann, T Domański - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We study the influence of the proximity-induced pairing on an electronic version of the Dicke
effect in a heterostructure, comprising three quantum dots vertically coupled between the …

Kondo effect in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide Ising superconductors

Y Zhang, L Li, JH Sun, DH Xu, R Lü, HG Luo, WQ Chen - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Many recent studies show that the hole-doped monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
(TMDs) exhibit Ising superconductivity. The Ising-type spin-orbit coupling (SOC) results in …

Kondo effect in a hybrid superconductor–quantum-dot–superconductor junction with proximity-induced -wave pairing states

L Li, JH Sun, W Su, ZH Wang, DH Xu, HG Luo… - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
We study the transport of a hybrid superconductor–quantum-dot–superconductor junction,
dominated by the interplay between the Kondo effect and the proximity-induced p-wave …

Anomalous Joule law in the adiabatic dynamics of a quantum dot in contact with normal-metal and superconducting reservoirs

L Arrachea, R López - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We formulate a general theory to study the time-dependent charge and energy transport of
an adiabatically driven quantum dot in contact with normal and superconducting reservoirs …

Rashba-induced Kondo screening of a magnetic impurity in a two-dimensional superconductor

L Li, MX Gao, ZH Wang, HG Luo, WQ Chen - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We study the Kondo screening of a magnetic impurity in a two-dimensional superconductor
with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC). It is found that the Rashba interaction generates a …

Kondo screening of single magnetic impurity doped type-II Ising superconductors

SN Chen, JH Sun, ZH Wang, W Su, DH Xu, HG Luo… - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We theoretically study the Kondo effect in type-II Ising superconductors with a single
magnetic impurity. Type-II Ising superconductivity was found in two-dimensional …

Interplay between electron pairing and Dicke effect in triple quantum dots structures

S Glodzik, KP Wojcik, I Weymann… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2016 - arxiv.org
We study the influence of the proximity-induced pairing on electronic version of the Dicke
effect in a heterostructure, comprising three quantum dots vertically coupled between the …

Andreev reflection induced by Majorana zero mode in the presence of ferromagnetic lead

XF Dai, XQ Wang, T Gong, LL Zhang… - Physica E: Low …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Majorana-induced Andreev reflection is theoretically investigated, by
considering the case of ferromagnetic lead to couple to it via one quantum dot. We find that …