Transgender data collection in the electronic health record: current concepts and issues
There are over 1 million transgender people living in the United States, and 33% report
negative experiences with a healthcare provider, many of which are connected to data …
negative experiences with a healthcare provider, many of which are connected to data …
Health and health care of sexual and gender minorities
N Hsieh, SM Shuster - Journal of Health and Social …, 2021 -
Research on the social dimensions of health and health care among sexual and gender
minorities (SGMs) has grown rapidly in the last two decades. However, a comprehensive …
minorities (SGMs) has grown rapidly in the last two decades. However, a comprehensive …
Advancing health equity through a theoretically critical implementation science
C Snell-Rood, ET Jaramillo, AB Hamilton… - Translational …, 2021 -
While implementation science is driven by theory, most implementation science theories,
models, and frameworks (TMF) do not address issues of power, inequality, and reflexivity …
models, and frameworks (TMF) do not address issues of power, inequality, and reflexivity …
[HTML][HTML] Cisgenderism and transphobia in sexual health care and associations with testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections: Findings from the …
S Rosenberg, D Callander, M Holt, L Duck-Chong… - PLoS …, 2021 -
Transgender and gender diverse people have unique risks and needs in the context of
sexual health, but little is known about sexual health care for this population. In 2018, a …
sexual health, but little is known about sexual health care for this population. In 2018, a …
Stigmatisation of those with mental health conditions in the acute general hospital setting. A qualitative framework synthesis
A Perry, V Lawrence, C Henderson - Social science & medicine, 2020 - Elsevier
Rationale Patients with long-term mental health conditions often have complex physical,
mental, and social needs. They are frequent users of the acute general healthcare system …
mental, and social needs. They are frequent users of the acute general healthcare system …
Care of sexual and gender minorities in the emergency department: a sco** review
Study objective This sco** review was conducted to collate and summarize the published
research literature addressing sexual and gender minority care in the emergency …
research literature addressing sexual and gender minority care in the emergency …
Experiences of transgender men in seeking gynecological and reproductive health care: a qualitative systematic review
JD Sbragia, B Vottero - JBI Evidence Synthesis, 2020 -
Objective: The objective of this review was to evaluate the experiences of transgender men
in seeking gynecological and reproductive health care. Introduction: Discrimination has led …
in seeking gynecological and reproductive health care. Introduction: Discrimination has led …
Trans-affirming care: An integrative review and concept analysis
Background Contemporary healthcare exists within a cisnormative landscape which
underpins the erasure of trans persons in healthcare, health research, and health education …
underpins the erasure of trans persons in healthcare, health research, and health education …
Policy recommendations to promote health and well‐being in sexual and gender minority populations in the United States
This narrative review examines literature informing policy and laws relevant to the health
and well‐being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) adult …
and well‐being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) adult …
Perils of data-driven equity: safety-net care and big data's elusive grasp on health inequality
TM Cruz - Big Data & Society, 2020 -
Large-scale data systems are increasingly envisioned as tools for justice, with big data
analytics offering a key opportunity to advance health equity. Health systems face growing …
analytics offering a key opportunity to advance health equity. Health systems face growing …