The provenance of Avalonia and its tectonic implications: a critical reappraisal

JB Murphy, RD Nance, L Wu - 2023 -
Abstract The late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian interval is characterized by global-scale
orogenesis, rapid continental growth and profound changes in Earth systems. Orogenic …

Geochronology and correlation of the Todos Santos Group, western Veracruz and eastern Oaxaca States, Mexico: Implications for regional stratigraphic relations and …

RSM Garza, TF Lawton, JRB Gudiño, MI Sierra-Rojas… - 2021 -
ABSTRACT The Gulf of Mexico is best understood as a subsidiary basin to the Atlantic,
resulting from breakup of Pangea. The rifting process and stratigraphy preceding opening of …

San Albino, Nicaragua: A Low-Angle, Thrust-Controlled Orogenic Gold Deposit

RD Lipson, RJ Goldfarb, BM Frieman… - Economic …, 2024 -
Abstract The San Albino deposit is an orogenic gold occurrence hosted by a low-angle
thrust that is the site of a new open-pit mine in northern Nicaragua. The deposit is hosted in …

Constraint on the temperature of A-type magma from contact metamorphic aureole, Biesituobie batholith, West Junggar in NW China, Central Asian Orogenic Belt

Y Chen, J Liu, R Zhou, W **ao, J Zhang… - …, 2023 -
The Biesituobie A-type batholith in West Junggar in NW China of the Central Asian Orogenic
Belt contains metapelite xenoliths derived from the contact metamorphic aureole. These …

Contact metamorphism in Middle Ordovician arc rocks (SW Sardinia, Italy): New paleogeographic constraints

LG Costamagna, FM Elter, L Gaggero, F Mantovani - Lithos, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract In the early Cambrian Bithia Formation in the Variscan foreland of Sardinia, a
Middle Ordovician granitic intrusion (478–457 Ma) is hosted by marly metasedimentary …

U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircons from San Carlos Basin, Costa Rica: evidence of Miocene volcanism and implications for the Precambrian and Paleozoic …

M Rojas-Barrantes, SHR Parra, LA Solari… - Journal of South American …, 2021 - Elsevier
U–Pb geochronology on detrital zircons from the Neogene sediments of San Carlos Basin in
Costa Rica, yielded a wide range of ages, from Paleoproterozoic to Cenozoic. The most …

Detrital zircon geochronology from the Nueva Segovia Schist, Nicaragua: evidence for the tectonic evolution of the Chortis Block?

S Freeborne, JA Braid - 2023 -
Abstract The Chortis Block of Central America is a cratonic-type peri-Gondwanan terrane
and is commonly included in Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic palaeogeographical …

Syn-tectonic Dipilto batholith (NW Nicaragua) linked to arc-continent collision: High-and room-temperature AMS evidence

BI García-Amador, LM Alva-Valdivia… - Tectonophysics, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The northern Central America region (Honduras and Nicaragua) is characterized by
geotectonic units delimited by strike-slip fault systems and shortening zones of poorly …

Compositional variations in tourmalines from peraluminous rocks of the Dipilto Granitic Batholith, Eastern Chortis Terrane, Nicaragua: tracers of magmatic to …

D Burianek, V Zacek - Journal of Geosciences, 2015 -
Tourmaline is a common accessory-to-minor mineral in peraluminous granitoids, pegmatites
and associated hydrothermal veins. Its chemical composition depends on the origin and …