[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of the ambivalent sexism literature: Hostile sexism protects men's power; benevolent sexism guards traditional gender roles.
According to ambivalent sexism theory (Glick & Fiske, 1996), the coexistence of gendered
power differences and mutual interdependence creates two apparently opposing but …
power differences and mutual interdependence creates two apparently opposing but …
Hegemonic masculinity predicts 2016 and 2020 voting and candidate evaluations
This work examined whether the endorsement of the culturally idealized form of masculinity—
hegemonic masculinity (HM)—accounted for unique variance in men's and women's support …
hegemonic masculinity (HM)—accounted for unique variance in men's and women's support …
A large-scale test of the reality constraint and ingroup bias accounts of women's support for male privilege
Why do women sometimes support systems of male privilege that clearly undercut the
interests of their gender group? According to some explanations from the social identity …
interests of their gender group? According to some explanations from the social identity …
Sexual Double Standard: A psychometric study from a macropsychological perspective among the Spanish heterosexual population
In the context of heterosexual relationships, the sexual double standard (SDS) leads to a
more negative assessment of women than men when they exhibit the same sexual behavior …
more negative assessment of women than men when they exhibit the same sexual behavior …
Individual and structural interventions
A Madva - An Introduction to Implicit Bias, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Given all that we have learned about bias and injustice, what can we do—and what should
we do—to fight back? Chapter 12 introduces empirically-tested interventions for combating …
we do—to fight back? Chapter 12 introduces empirically-tested interventions for combating …
Definitional boundaries of discrimination: Tools for deciding what constitutes discrimination (and what doesn't)
What counts as discrimination? Sometimes an event has to be a deliberate act of hate
before it is described as discrimination. Sometimes “discrimination” can include much more …
before it is described as discrimination. Sometimes “discrimination” can include much more …
Bitchifying Hillary: Trump supporters' vilification of Clinton during the 2016 presidential election
Based on fieldwork and interviews during the run-up to the 2016 election, we examine how
Trump supporters vilified Hillary Clinton as a bitch. We first analyze how Trump rally …
Trump supporters vilified Hillary Clinton as a bitch. We first analyze how Trump rally …
The role of system justification theory in support of the government under long-term conservative party dominance in Japan
The applicability of system justification theory (SJT) in Japan, where political contexts differ
from those in Western countries, was evaluated in this study. SJT explains the psychological …
from those in Western countries, was evaluated in this study. SJT explains the psychological …
Perceptions of sexual assault perpetrators, victims, and event depend on system justification beliefs and perpetrator atonement
When accused of wrongdoing, a sexual assault perpetrator may express atonement, ie, he
may acknowledge harm done, take responsibility, and make amends. Anecdotal …
may acknowledge harm done, take responsibility, and make amends. Anecdotal …
But can she make America great again? Threat, stability, and support for female candidates in the United States
EN Simas - Political Behavior, 2020 - Springer
Drawing on the literature on system justification, I argue that the fate of female candidates in
the US is tied to whether the election is occurring in relatively good or bad times. Using an …
the US is tied to whether the election is occurring in relatively good or bad times. Using an …