[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of the ambivalent sexism literature: Hostile sexism protects men's power; benevolent sexism guards traditional gender roles.

O Bareket, ST Fiske - Psychological bulletin, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
According to ambivalent sexism theory (Glick & Fiske, 1996), the coexistence of gendered
power differences and mutual interdependence creates two apparently opposing but …

Hegemonic masculinity predicts 2016 and 2020 voting and candidate evaluations

TK Vescio, NEC Schermerhorn - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2021 - pnas.org
This work examined whether the endorsement of the culturally idealized form of masculinity—
hegemonic masculinity (HM)—accounted for unique variance in men's and women's support …

A large-scale test of the reality constraint and ingroup bias accounts of women's support for male privilege

CK Owuamalam, L Caricati… - Psychology of Women …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Why do women sometimes support systems of male privilege that clearly undercut the
interests of their gender group? According to some explanations from the social identity …

Sexual Double Standard: A psychometric study from a macropsychological perspective among the Spanish heterosexual population

MC Gómez Berrocal, P Vallejo-Medina… - Frontiers in …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
In the context of heterosexual relationships, the sexual double standard (SDS) leads to a
more negative assessment of women than men when they exhibit the same sexual behavior …

Individual and structural interventions

A Madva - An Introduction to Implicit Bias, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Given all that we have learned about bias and injustice, what can we do—and what should
we do—to fight back? Chapter 12 introduces empirically-tested interventions for combating …

Definitional boundaries of discrimination: Tools for deciding what constitutes discrimination (and what doesn't)

K Greenland, K West, C Van Laar - Journal of Applied Social …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
What counts as discrimination? Sometimes an event has to be a deliberate act of hate
before it is described as discrimination. Sometimes “discrimination” can include much more …

Bitchifying Hillary: Trump supporters' vilification of Clinton during the 2016 presidential election

K Erichsen, D Schrock, B Dowd-Arrow… - Social …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Based on fieldwork and interviews during the run-up to the 2016 election, we examine how
Trump supporters vilified Hillary Clinton as a bitch. We first analyze how Trump rally …

The role of system justification theory in support of the government under long-term conservative party dominance in Japan

M Nakagoshi, K Inamasu - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023 - frontiersin.org
The applicability of system justification theory (SJT) in Japan, where political contexts differ
from those in Western countries, was evaluated in this study. SJT explains the psychological …

Perceptions of sexual assault perpetrators, victims, and event depend on system justification beliefs and perpetrator atonement

BC Delker, KK Means, A Schwam, AL Patterson… - PloS one, 2024 - journals.plos.org
When accused of wrongdoing, a sexual assault perpetrator may express atonement, ie, he
may acknowledge harm done, take responsibility, and make amends. Anecdotal …

But can she make America great again? Threat, stability, and support for female candidates in the United States

EN Simas - Political Behavior, 2020 - Springer
Drawing on the literature on system justification, I argue that the fate of female candidates in
the US is tied to whether the election is occurring in relatively good or bad times. Using an …