Evaluating global temperature calibrations for lacustrine branched GDGTs: Seasonal variability, paleoclimate implications, and future directions
Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) preserved in lake sediments are
increasingly used to investigate past terrestrial temperatures. brGDGTs are ubiquitous in …
increasingly used to investigate past terrestrial temperatures. brGDGTs are ubiquitous in …
[HTML][HTML] Reconstructing warm-season temperatures using brGDGTs and assessing biases in Holocene temperature records in northern Fennoscandia
Understanding Holocene climate variability is crucial for predicting future climate change,
which will disproportionally affect high-latitude regions. Summer temperature (T summer) …
which will disproportionally affect high-latitude regions. Summer temperature (T summer) …
Reconstruction of warm-season temperatures in central Europe during the past 60 000 years from lacustrine branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs)
Millennial-scale climate variations during the last glacial period, such as Dansgaard–
Oeschger (DO) cycles and Heinrich events, have been extensively studied using ice core …
Oeschger (DO) cycles and Heinrich events, have been extensively studied using ice core …
Regional vs. global temperature calibrations for lacustrine BrGDGTs in the North American (sub) tropics: Implications for their application in paleotemperature …
Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) have shown great promise in
lacustrine temperature reconstructions across different continents. While brGDGTs have …
lacustrine temperature reconstructions across different continents. While brGDGTs have …
[HTML][HTML] Branched GDGT source shift identification allows improved reconstruction of an 8,000-year warming trend on Sumatra
Abstract Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs) in sedimentary archives
are increasingly used for paleotemperature reconstructions due to their strong correlation …
are increasingly used for paleotemperature reconstructions due to their strong correlation …
Tropical Andean climate variations since the last deglaciation
Global warming during the Last Glacial Termination was interrupted by millennial-scale cool
intervals such as the Younger Dryas and the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR). Although these …
intervals such as the Younger Dryas and the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR). Although these …
BrGDGT-based quantitative reconstructions of paleotemperature in lakes: Regional vs. site-specific calibrations
Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) are bacterial membrane lipids that
have been widely used as tools for the quantitative reconstruction of past terrestrial …
have been widely used as tools for the quantitative reconstruction of past terrestrial …
Changes in Indo-Pacific Warm Pool hydroclimate and vegetation during the last deglaciation
Drying across much of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) during the Last Glacial Maximum
(LGM) has been widely recognized from interpretations of sedimentological, geochemical …
(LGM) has been widely recognized from interpretations of sedimentological, geochemical …
A critical assessment of lacustrine branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (brGDGT) temperature calibration models
Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) are membrane-spanning lipids
produced by bacteria that are ubiquitous in natural sedimentary archives and preserved …
produced by bacteria that are ubiquitous in natural sedimentary archives and preserved …
Biomarker reconstructions of temperature and hydroclimate variability in Vietnam during Marine Isotope Stage 3
Limited hydrological data coupled with a reliance on the monsoon rains for agriculture make
Southeast (SE) Asia vulnerable to climate change. To develop a better understanding of …
Southeast (SE) Asia vulnerable to climate change. To develop a better understanding of …