The dire straits of Paratethys: gateways to the anoxic giant of Eurasia
DV Palcu, W Krijgsman - 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
A complex interplay of palaeoclimatic, eustatic and tectonic processes led to fragmentation
and dissipation of the vast Tethys Ocean in Eocene–Oligocene times. The resulting …
and dissipation of the vast Tethys Ocean in Eocene–Oligocene times. The resulting …
A review of the geology and geodynamic evolution of tectonic terranes in Turkey
MC Göncüoğlu - Mineral resources of Turkey, 2019 - Springer
The geodynamic evolution of Turkey is mainly controlled by drift and collision of a number
oceanic and continental plates or terranes. This can be ascribed to four orogenic episodes …
oceanic and continental plates or terranes. This can be ascribed to four orogenic episodes …
Signature of slab fragmentation beneath Anatolia from full-waveform tomography
When oceanic basins close after a long period of convergence and subduction, continental
collision and mountain building is a common consequence. Slab segmentation is expected …
collision and mountain building is a common consequence. Slab segmentation is expected …
[HTML][HTML] Sinkhole development in the Sivas gypsum karst, Turkey
The extensive gypsum karst of Sivas, Turkey is one of the most outstanding examples of
bare gypsum karst in the world. It displays a number of remarkable geomorphic features …
bare gypsum karst in the world. It displays a number of remarkable geomorphic features …
Arsenic removal from groundwater of Sivas-Şarkişla Plain, Turkey by electrocoagulation process: comparing with iron plate and ball electrodes
In the present study, laboratory scale experiments were conducted with the air-fed
electrocoagulation (EC) reactor using iron (Fe) ball and plate anodes in a batch mode to …
electrocoagulation (EC) reactor using iron (Fe) ball and plate anodes in a batch mode to …
Minibasins and salt canopy in foreland fold‐and‐thrust belts: The central Sivas Basin, Turkey
Abstract The Sivas Basin in the Central Anatolian Plateau (Turkey), which formed in the
context of a foreland fold‐and‐thrust belt (FTB), exhibits a typical wall and basin (WAB) …
context of a foreland fold‐and‐thrust belt (FTB), exhibits a typical wall and basin (WAB) …
Kinematics of a former oceanic plate of the Neotethys revealed by deformation in the Ulukışla basin (Turkey)
Kinematic reconstruction of modern ocean basins shows that since Pangea breakup a vast
area in the Neotethyan realm was lost to subduction. Here we develop a first‐order …
area in the Neotethyan realm was lost to subduction. Here we develop a first‐order …
Mud volcanoes, olistostromes and Argille scagliose in the Mediterranean region
A Camerlenghi, GA Pini - Sedimentology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Tectonic and sedimentary mélanges, rocks with block‐in‐matrix fabric often referred to as
'chaotic', are widespread in the circum‐Mediterranean collisional orogenic belts as well as in …
'chaotic', are widespread in the circum‐Mediterranean collisional orogenic belts as well as in …
Rapid late Eocene exhumation of the Sivas Basin (Central Anatolia) driven by initial Arabia‐Eurasia collision
Continental collisions exert a profound influence on the configuration and evolution of
orogenic systems. The effects of Arabia‐Eurasia collision on the geodynamics of the eastern …
orogenic systems. The effects of Arabia‐Eurasia collision on the geodynamics of the eastern …
Magmatism in the southeastern Anatolian orogenic belt: transition from arc to post-collisional setting in an evolving orogen
Abstract Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene calc-alkaline to alkaline magmatic rocks
emplaced within the southeastern Anatolian orogenic belt, the most extensive magmatic belt …
emplaced within the southeastern Anatolian orogenic belt, the most extensive magmatic belt …