“So cute I could eat it up”: Priming effects of cute products on indulgent consumption
This article examines the extent to which consumers engage in more indulgent consumption
when they are exposed to whimsically cute products and explores the process by which …
when they are exposed to whimsically cute products and explores the process by which …
Facilitating successful behavior change: Beyond goal setting to goal flourishing.
K Nowack - Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 2017 - psycnet.apa.org
Most successful coaching engagements encourage clients to start, increase, decrease,
modify, or stop behaviors that contribute to their effectiveness and performance on the job …
modify, or stop behaviors that contribute to their effectiveness and performance on the job …
Self‐control: Information, priorities, and resources
J Laran - Consumer Psychology Review, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
People routinely encounter situations in which they have to decide between following their
long‐term interests and seeking short‐term pleasure. An act of self‐control occurs when …
long‐term interests and seeking short‐term pleasure. An act of self‐control occurs when …
How goal specificity shapes motivation: A reference points perspective
SG Wallace, J Etkin - Journal of Consumer Research, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Consumers often pursue goals that lack specific end states, such as goals to lose as much
weight as possible or to pay off as much debt as possible. Yet despite considerable interest …
weight as possible or to pay off as much debt as possible. Yet despite considerable interest …
Consumer well-being: Effects of subgoal failures and goal importance
Although there is increased awareness of issues surrounding consumer well-being,
consumers often lack the personal commitment to improve their quality of life. This article …
consumers often lack the personal commitment to improve their quality of life. This article …
Cause-related marketing in tourism: how goal framing promotes consumer prosocial behaviours
Cause-related marketing is commonly regarded as an effective tool for tourism enterprises to
bolster their commitment to sustainable practices, fostering environmental and social …
bolster their commitment to sustainable practices, fostering environmental and social …
On or off track: How (broken) streaks affect consumer decisions
J Silverman, A Barasch - Journal of Consumer Research, 2023 - academic.oup.com
New technologies increasingly enable consumers to track their behaviors over time, making
them more aware of their “streaks”—behaviors performed consecutively three or more times …
them more aware of their “streaks”—behaviors performed consecutively three or more times …
Performance brand placebos: How brands improve performance and consumers take the credit
This research examines how consumption of a performance branded product systematically
improves objective outcomes in a variety of contexts. Five field and laboratory studies …
improves objective outcomes in a variety of contexts. Five field and laboratory studies …
Integrating models of self-regulation and optimal experiences: A qualitative study into flow and clutch states in recreational distance running
Objective In this study, we aimed to understand the self-regulatory processes facilitating
optimal experiences in running by integrating models of self-regulation with flow and clutch …
optimal experiences in running by integrating models of self-regulation with flow and clutch …
A field experiment on subgoal framing to boost volunteering: The trade-off between goal granularity and flexibility.
Research suggests that breaking overarching goals into more granular subgoals is
beneficial for goal progress. However, making goals more granular often involves reducing …
beneficial for goal progress. However, making goals more granular often involves reducing …