Mixed-state quantum phases: Renormalization and quantum error correction
Open system quantum dynamics can generate a variety of long-range entangled mixed
states, yet it has been unclear in what sense they constitute phases of matter. To establish …
states, yet it has been unclear in what sense they constitute phases of matter. To establish …
Toward a classification of mixed-state topological orders in two dimensions
The classification and characterization of topological phases of matter is well understood for
ground states of gapped Hamiltonians that are well isolated from the environment. However …
ground states of gapped Hamiltonians that are well isolated from the environment. However …
Spontaneous strong symmetry breaking in open systems: Purification perspective
We explore the effect of decoherence on many-body mixed states from a purification
perspective. Here, quantum channels map to unitary transformations acting on a purified …
perspective. Here, quantum channels map to unitary transformations acting on a purified …
Noisy approach to intrinsically mixed-state topological order
We propose a general framework for studying two-dimensional (2D) topologically ordered
states subject to local correlated errors and show that the resulting mixed state can display …
states subject to local correlated errors and show that the resulting mixed state can display …
Diagnostics of mixed-state topological order and breakdown of quantum memory
Topological quantum memory can protect information against local errors up to finite error
thresholds. Such thresholds are usually determined based on the success of decoding …
thresholds. Such thresholds are usually determined based on the success of decoding …
Benchmarking highly entangled states on a 60-atom analogue quantum simulator
Quantum systems have entered a competitive regime in which classical computers must
make approximations to represent highly entangled quantum states,. However, in this …
make approximations to represent highly entangled quantum states,. However, in this …
Mixed-state long-range order and criticality from measurement and feedback
We propose a general framework for using local measurements, local unitaries, and
nonlocal classical communication to construct quantum channels, which can efficiently …
nonlocal classical communication to construct quantum channels, which can efficiently …
Symmetry-enforced many-body separability transitions
YH Chen, T Grover - PRX Quantum, 2024 - APS
We study quantum many-body mixed states with a symmetry from the perspective of
separability, ie, whether a mixed state can be expressed as an ensemble of short-range …
separability, ie, whether a mixed state can be expressed as an ensemble of short-range …
Separability transitions in topological states induced by local decoherence
YH Chen, T Grover - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
We study states with intrinsic topological order subjected to local decoherence from the
perspective of separability, ie, whether a decohered mixed state can be expressed as an …
perspective of separability, ie, whether a decohered mixed state can be expressed as an …
Entanglement negativity at measurement-induced criticality
We propose entanglement negativity as a fine-grained probe of measurement-induced
criticality. We motivate this proposal in stabilizer states, where for two disjoint subregions …
criticality. We motivate this proposal in stabilizer states, where for two disjoint subregions …