Finding small separators in linear time via treewidth reduction

D Marx, B O'sullivan, I Razgon - ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), 2013 -
We present a method for reducing the treewidth of a graph while preserving all of its minimal
st separators up to a certain fixed size k. This technique allows us to solve st Cut and …

Large induced subgraphs via triangulations and CMSO

FV Fomin, I Todinca, Y Villanger - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2015 - SIAM
We obtain an algorithmic metatheorem for the following optimization problem. Let φ be a
counting monadic second order logic (CMSO) formula and t≧0 be an integer. For a given …

Contracting graphs to paths and trees

P Heggernes, P Van't Hof, B Lévêque, D Lokshtanov… - Algorithmica, 2014 - Springer
Vertex deletion and edge deletion problems play a central role in parameterized complexity.
Examples include classical problems like Feedback Vertex Set, Odd Cycle Transversal, and …

Detecting fixed patterns in chordal graphs in polynomial time

R Belmonte, PA Golovach, P Heggernes, P van't Hof… - Algorithmica, 2014 - Springer
The Contractibility problem takes as input two graphs G and H, and the task is to decide
whether H can be obtained from G by a sequence of edge contractions. The Induced Minor …

[HTML][HTML] Edge contractions in subclasses of chordal graphs

R Belmonte, P Heggernes, P van't Hof - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2012 - Elsevier
Modifying a given graph to obtain another graph is a well-studied problem with applications
in many fields. Given two input graphs G and H, the Contractibility problem is to decide …

Increasing the minimum degree of a graph by contractions

PA Golovach, M Kamiński, D Paulusma… - Theoretical computer …, 2013 - Elsevier
The Degree Contractibility problem is to test whether a given graph G can be modified to a
graph of minimum degree at least d by using at most k contractions. We prove the following …

A note on contracting claw-free graphs

J Fiala, M Kamiński… - Discrete Mathematics & …, 2013 -
A Note on Contracting Claw-Free Graphs Page 1 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science DMTCS vol. 15:2, 2013, 223–232 A Note on Contracting Claw-Free Graphs …

Detecting induced minors in AT-free graphs

PA Golovach, D Kratsch, D Paulusma - Theoretical computer science, 2013 - Elsevier
The Induced Minor problem is that of testing whether a graph G can be modified into a graph
H by a sequence of vertex deletions and edge contractions. If only edge contractions are …

[HTML][HTML] Detecting induced star-like minors in polynomial time

J Fiala, M Kamiński, D Paulusma - Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 2012 - Elsevier
The Induced Minor problem is to test whether a graph G contains a graph H as an induced
minor, ie, if G can be modified into H by a sequence of vertex deletions and edge …

Sufficient conditions for polynomial-time detection of induced minors

C Dallard, M Dumas, C Hilaire, A Perez - … on Current Trends in Theory and …, 2025 - Springer
Abstract The H-Induced Minor Containment problem (H-IMC) consists in deciding if a fixed
graph H is an induced minor of a graph G given as input, that is, whether H can be obtained …