Studying participatory budgeting: Democratic innovation or budgeting tool?

ML Godwin - State and Local Government Review, 2018 -
Participatory budgeting (PB) is increasingly being used by local governments. The first
American PB process was in Chicago in 2009 and built upon processes developed in Brazil …

Testing the participation hypothesis: Evidence from participatory budgeting

C Johnson, HJ Carlson, S Reynolds - Political Behavior, 2023 - Springer
This paper examines the impact of local participatory democracy initiatives on individual
voter turnout in ordinary elections, using the example of participatory budgeting (PB). Such …

Reinventing Freire in the 21st century:: Citizenship education, student voice and school participatory budgeting

T Bartlett, D Schugurensky - Current Issues in …, 2021 -
This year we remember three centennials that inspire many progressive educators around
the world. First, 2021 marks the 100 th anniversary of the creation of Summerhill, one of the …

Does school participatory budgeting increase students' political efficacy? Bandura's 'sources', civic pedagogy, and education for democracy

NP Gibbs, T Bartlett… - Curriculum and …, 2021 -
Does school participatory budgeting (SPB) increase students' political efficacy? SPB, which
is implemented in thousands of schools around the world, is a democratic process of …

Зарубежные тренды в сфере партисипаторного бюджетирования

НВ Гаврилова - Финансовый журнал, 2016 -
В статье анализируются современные тренды в зарубежной практике
партисипаторного бюджетирования (ПБ) механизма распределения бюджетных …

School Participatory Budgeting: An Emerging Governance Tool and Its Managerial Considerations

I Shybalkina, T Nabatchi - Administration & Society, 2024 -
Participatory budgeting (PB) fosters community engagement in the allocation of public funds.
Although its popularity has diminished in general-purpose governments, it is gaining traction …

[KNIHA][B] Participatory budgeting in the United States: A guide for local governments

V Gordon, JL Osgood Jr, D Boden - 2016 -
Although citizen engagement is a core public service value, few public administrators
receive training on how to share leadership with people outside the government …

The new economy and youth justice

A Cox - Youth Justice, 2021 -
This article focuses on the shape of the contemporary political economy and its effects on
the young people and adults who are involved in the 'deep end'of the youth justice system …

[PDF][PDF] Participation as a supportive framework for cultural inclusion and environmental justice

V Derr - Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia …, 2017 -
Em 1989, a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos da Criança proporcionou uma
base para que as crianças tivessem acesso à educação, para jogar, para se expressar e …

[KNIHA][B] School Participatory budgeting and student voice

ABK Brown - 2018 -
One of the ideals underpinning public education in the United has been that of educating
young people to become engaged democratic citizens. Civics courses have been the main …