The ALICE experiment: a journey through QCD

ALICE Collaboration alice-publications@ cern … - The European Physical …, 2024 - Springer
The ALICE experiment was proposed in 1993, to study strongly-interacting matter at extreme
energy densities and temperatures. This proposal entailed a comprehensive investigation of …

Multiquark resonances

A Esposito, A Pilloni, AD Polosa - Physics Reports, 2017 - Elsevier
Multiquark resonances are undoubtedly experimentally observed. The number of states and
the amount of details on their properties have been growing over the years. It is very recent …

Review of Lepton Universality tests in B decays

S Bifani, S Descotes-Genon, AR Vidal… - Journal of Physics G …, 2018 -
Review of lepton universality tests in B decays - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science
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Parton distributions and lattice QCD calculations: a community white paper

HW Lin, ER Nocera, F Olness, K Orginos, J Rojo… - Progress in Particle and …, 2018 - Elsevier
In the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), parton distribution functions (PDFs)
quantify how the momentum and spin of a hadron are divided among its quark and gluon …

The structure of the proton in the LHC precision era

J Gao, L Harland-Lang, J Rojo - Physics Reports, 2018 - Elsevier
We review recent progress in the determination of the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of
the proton, with emphasis on the applications for precision phenomenology at the Large …

[Књига][B] The standard model and beyond

P Langacker - 2017 -
This new edition of The Standard Model and Beyond presents an advanced introduction to
the physics and formalism of the standard model and other non-abelian gauge theories. It …

QCD forces and heavy quark bound states

GS Bali - Physics Reports, 2001 - Elsevier
The present knowledge of QCD confining forces between static test charges is summarised,
with an emphasis on lattice results. Recent developments in relating QCD potentials to …

Maximum entropy analysis of the spectral functions in lattice QCD

M Asakawa, Y Nakahara, T Hatsuda - Progress in Particle and Nuclear …, 2001 - Elsevier
First principle calculation of the QCD spectral functions (SPFs) based on the lattice QCD
simulations is reviewed. Special emphasis is placed on the Bayesian inference theory and …

[Књига][B] Introduction to quantum fields on a lattice

J Smit - 2003 -
This book provides a concise introduction to quantum fields on a lattice: a precise and non-
perturbative definition of quantum field theory obtained by replacing continuous space-time …

Non-perturbative quark mass renormalization in quenched lattice QCD

S Capitani, M Lüscher, R Sommer, H Wittig - Nuclear Physics B, 1999 - Elsevier
The renormalization factor relating the bare to the renormalization group invariant quark
masses is accurately calculated in quenched lattice QCD using a recursive finite-size …