Deep learning modeling in microscopy imaging: A review of materials science applications
The accurate analysis of microscopy images representing various materials obtained in
scanning probe microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and transmission electron …
scanning probe microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and transmission electron …
Observing and measuring strain in nanostructures and devices with transmission electron microscopy
MJ Hÿtch, AM Minor - MRS bulletin, 2014 -
The evolution of elastic strain engineering in nanostructures and devices requires
characterization tools that can be used to not only observe but also quantify the actual strain …
characterization tools that can be used to not only observe but also quantify the actual strain …
Quantitative measurement of displacement and strain fields from HREM micrographs
MJ Hÿtch, E Snoeck, R Kilaas - Ultramicroscopy, 1998 - Elsevier
A method for measuring and map** displacement fields and strain fields from high-
resolution electron microscope (HREM) images has been developed. The method is based …
resolution electron microscope (HREM) images has been developed. The method is based …
A deep learning approach to identify local structures in atomic‐resolution transmission electron microscopy images
Recording atomic‐resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images is becoming
increasingly routine. A new bottleneck is then analyzing this information, which often …
increasingly routine. A new bottleneck is then analyzing this information, which often …
Measurement of the displacement field of dislocations to 0.03 Å by electron microscopy
MJ Hÿtch, JL Putaux, JM Pénisson - Nature, 2003 -
Defects and their associated long-range strain fields are of considerable importance in many
areas of materials science,. For example, a major challenge facing the semiconductor …
areas of materials science,. For example, a major challenge facing the semiconductor …
Detection of bromine monoxide in a volcanic plume
N Bobrowski, G Hönninger, B Galle, U Platt - Nature, 2003 -
The emission of volcanic gases usually precedes eruptive activity, providing both a warning
signal and an indication of the nature of the lava soon to be erupted. Additionally, volcanic …
signal and an indication of the nature of the lava soon to be erupted. Additionally, volcanic …
The Peak Pairs algorithm for strain map** from HRTEM images
Strain map** is defined as a numerical image-processing technique that measures the
local shifts of image details around a crystal defect with respect to the ideal, defect-free …
local shifts of image details around a crystal defect with respect to the ideal, defect-free …
[หนังสือ][B] Epitaxy of nanostructures
The general trend in modern solid state physics and technology is to make things smaller.
The size of key elements in modern devices approaches the nanometer scale, for both …
The size of key elements in modern devices approaches the nanometer scale, for both …
Patterned probes for high precision 4D-STEM bragg measurements
Nanoscale strain map** by four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy
(4D-STEM) relies on determining the precise locations of Bragg-scattered electrons in a …
(4D-STEM) relies on determining the precise locations of Bragg-scattered electrons in a …
Strain map** in free-standing heterostructured wurtzite InAs/InP nanowires
The strain distribution in heterostructured wurtzite InAs/InP nanowires is measured by a
peak finding technique using high resolution transmission electron microscopy images. We …
peak finding technique using high resolution transmission electron microscopy images. We …