Statistical evaluation of strain-life fatigue crack initiation predictions

MA Meggiolaro, JTP Castro - International Journal of Fatigue, 2004 - Elsevier
Most of the existing methods for estimating εN parameters are based on a relatively limited
amount of experimental data. In addition, sound statistical evaluation of the popular rules of …

Fatigue life and crack path predictions in generic 2D structural components

ACO Miranda, MA Meggiolaro, JTP Castro… - Engineering Fracture …, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a reliable and cost-effective two-phase methodology to predict crack
propagation life in generic two-dimensional (2D) structural components. First, the usually …

An improved multiaxial rainflow algorithm for non-proportional stress or strain histories–Part II: The Modified Wang–Brown method

MA Meggiolaro, JTP de Castro - International Journal of Fatigue, 2012 - Elsevier
The objective of this work is to develop a simple multiaxial rainflow algorithm that allows the
proper calculation of multiaxial damage in NP histories. Enclosing surface methods are …

On the prediction of the residual fatigue life of cracked structures repaired by the stop-hole method

H Wu, A Imad, N Benseddiq, JTP de Castro… - International Journal of …, 2010 - Elsevier
The stop-hole method is a simple and economic repair technique widely used to retard or
even to stop the propagation of a fatigue crack in structural components that cannot be …

Stress intensity factor equations for branched crack growth

MA Meggiolaro, ACO Miranda, JTP Castro… - Engineering Fracture …, 2005 - Elsevier
Overload-induced fatigue crack branching is a well-known crack growth retardation or arrest
mechanism, which can quantitatively explain such effects even when arguments based on …

A novel singular ES-FEM for crack growth simulation

H Nguyen-Xuan, GR Liu, N Nourbakhshnia… - Engineering Fracture …, 2012 - Elsevier
A novel singular seven-node crack-tip triangular element with edge-based strain smoothing
is formulated for modeling crack growth in solids. The present singular ES-FEM method uses …

On the dominant role of crack closure on fatigue crack growth modeling

MA Meggiolaro, JTP De Castro - International Journal of Fatigue, 2003 - Elsevier
Crack closure is the most used mechanism to model thickness and load interaction effects
on fatigue crack propagation. But assuming it is the only mechanism is equivalent to …

Quasi-static crack propagation simulation by an enhanced nodal gradient finite element with different enrichments

Z Kang, TQ Bui, T Saitoh, S Hirose - Theoretical and Applied Fracture …, 2017 - Elsevier
The recently developed consecutive-interpolation local enriched partition-of-unity method
based on 4-node quadrilateral element (XCQ4) is used to study quasi-static crack …

Crack retardation equations for the propagation of branched fatigue cracks

MA Meggiolaro, ACO Miranda, JTP Castro… - International Journal of …, 2005 - Elsevier
The stress intensity factors (SIF) associated with branched fatigue cracks can be
considerably smaller than that of a straight crack with the same projected length, causing …

Short crack threshold estimates to predict notch sensitivity factors in fatigue

MA Meggiolaro, AC de Oliveira Miranda… - International Journal of …, 2007 - Elsevier
The notch sensitivity factor q can be associated with the presence of non-propagating
fatigue cracks at the notch root. Such cracks are present when the nominal stress range Δσn …