Statistical evaluation of strain-life fatigue crack initiation predictions
Most of the existing methods for estimating εN parameters are based on a relatively limited
amount of experimental data. In addition, sound statistical evaluation of the popular rules of …
amount of experimental data. In addition, sound statistical evaluation of the popular rules of …
Fatigue life and crack path predictions in generic 2D structural components
This paper proposes a reliable and cost-effective two-phase methodology to predict crack
propagation life in generic two-dimensional (2D) structural components. First, the usually …
propagation life in generic two-dimensional (2D) structural components. First, the usually …
An improved multiaxial rainflow algorithm for non-proportional stress or strain histories–Part II: The Modified Wang–Brown method
The objective of this work is to develop a simple multiaxial rainflow algorithm that allows the
proper calculation of multiaxial damage in NP histories. Enclosing surface methods are …
proper calculation of multiaxial damage in NP histories. Enclosing surface methods are …
On the prediction of the residual fatigue life of cracked structures repaired by the stop-hole method
The stop-hole method is a simple and economic repair technique widely used to retard or
even to stop the propagation of a fatigue crack in structural components that cannot be …
even to stop the propagation of a fatigue crack in structural components that cannot be …
Stress intensity factor equations for branched crack growth
Overload-induced fatigue crack branching is a well-known crack growth retardation or arrest
mechanism, which can quantitatively explain such effects even when arguments based on …
mechanism, which can quantitatively explain such effects even when arguments based on …
A novel singular ES-FEM for crack growth simulation
A novel singular seven-node crack-tip triangular element with edge-based strain smoothing
is formulated for modeling crack growth in solids. The present singular ES-FEM method uses …
is formulated for modeling crack growth in solids. The present singular ES-FEM method uses …
On the dominant role of crack closure on fatigue crack growth modeling
Crack closure is the most used mechanism to model thickness and load interaction effects
on fatigue crack propagation. But assuming it is the only mechanism is equivalent to …
on fatigue crack propagation. But assuming it is the only mechanism is equivalent to …
Quasi-static crack propagation simulation by an enhanced nodal gradient finite element with different enrichments
Z Kang, TQ Bui, T Saitoh, S Hirose - Theoretical and Applied Fracture …, 2017 - Elsevier
The recently developed consecutive-interpolation local enriched partition-of-unity method
based on 4-node quadrilateral element (XCQ4) is used to study quasi-static crack …
based on 4-node quadrilateral element (XCQ4) is used to study quasi-static crack …
Crack retardation equations for the propagation of branched fatigue cracks
The stress intensity factors (SIF) associated with branched fatigue cracks can be
considerably smaller than that of a straight crack with the same projected length, causing …
considerably smaller than that of a straight crack with the same projected length, causing …
Short crack threshold estimates to predict notch sensitivity factors in fatigue
MA Meggiolaro, AC de Oliveira Miranda… - International Journal of …, 2007 - Elsevier
The notch sensitivity factor q can be associated with the presence of non-propagating
fatigue cracks at the notch root. Such cracks are present when the nominal stress range Δσn …
fatigue cracks at the notch root. Such cracks are present when the nominal stress range Δσn …