Use the force: membrane tension as an organizer of cell shape and motility
Many cell phenomena that involve shape changes are affected by the intrinsic deformability
of the plasma membrane (PM). Far from being a passive participant, the PM is now known to …
of the plasma membrane (PM). Far from being a passive participant, the PM is now known to …
[HTML][HTML] Cell migration: a physically integrated molecular process
DA Lauffenburger, AF Horwitz - cell, 1996 - cell.com
Cell migration plays a central role in a wide variety of biological phenomena. In
embryogenesis, cellular migrations are a recurring theme in important morphogenic …
embryogenesis, cellular migrations are a recurring theme in important morphogenic …
Membrane tension maintains cell polarity by confining signals to the leading edge during neutrophil migration
Little is known about how neutrophils and other cells establish a single zone of actin
assembly during migration. A widespread assumption is that the leading edge prevents …
assembly during migration. A widespread assumption is that the leading edge prevents …
Tree of motility–A proposed history of motility systems in the tree of life
Motility often plays a decisive role in the survival of species. Five systems of motility have
been studied in depth: those propelled by bacterial flagella, eukaryotic actin polymerization …
been studied in depth: those propelled by bacterial flagella, eukaryotic actin polymerization …
Mechanical modes of 'amoeboid'cell migration
The morphological term 'amoeboid'migration subsumes a number of rather distinct
biophysical modes of cellular locomotion that range from blebbing motility to entirely actin …
biophysical modes of cellular locomotion that range from blebbing motility to entirely actin …
[HTML][HTML] Extracellular matrix rigidity causes strengthening of integrin–cytoskeleton linkages
To move forward, migrating cells must generate traction forces through surface receptors
bound to extracellular matrix molecules coupled to a rigid structure. We investigated whether …
bound to extracellular matrix molecules coupled to a rigid structure. We investigated whether …
A cell's sense of direction
CA Parent, PN Devreotes - Science, 1999 - science.org
In eukaryotic cells directional sensing is mediated by heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide–
binding protein (G protein)–linked signaling pathways. In Dictyostelium discoideum …
binding protein (G protein)–linked signaling pathways. In Dictyostelium discoideum …
Analysis of the actin–myosin II system in fish epidermal keratocytes: mechanism of cell body translocation
TM Svitkina, AB Verkhovsky, KM McQuade… - Journal of Cell …, 1997 - rupress.org
While the protrusive event of cell locomotion is thought to be driven by actin polymerization,
the mechanism of forward translocation of the cell body is unclear. To elucidate the …
the mechanism of forward translocation of the cell body is unclear. To elucidate the …
Eukaryotic chemotaxis: a network of signaling pathways controls motility, directional sensing, and polarity
Chemotaxis, the directed migration of cells in chemical gradients, is a vital process in normal
physiology and in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Chemotactic cells display motility …
physiology and in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Chemotactic cells display motility …
Cooperative self-organization of microorganisms
In nature, microorganisms must often cope with hostile environmental conditions. To do so
they have developed sophisticated cooperative behaviour and intricate communication …
they have developed sophisticated cooperative behaviour and intricate communication …