Reopening the mental imagery debate: lessons from functional anatomy

E Mellet, L Petit, B Mazoyer, M Denis, N Tzourio - Neuroimage, 1998 - Elsevier
Over the past few years, the neural bases of mental imagery have been both a topic of
intense debate and a domain of extensive investigations using either PET or fMRI that have …

[PDF][PDF] Visuospatial reasoning

B Tversky - Handbook of reasoning, 2005 -
Visuospatial reasoning is not simply a matter of running to retrieve a fly ball or wending a
way through a crowd or plotting a path to a destination or stacking suitcases in a car trunk. It …

[KNJIGA][B] Develo** knowledge-based client relationships

R Dawson - 2012 -
The publication of this book heralds a new field of management, thought and practice. The
advocates of the'knowledge economy'have to date focused almost exclusively on how …

Integrative deficits in depression and in negative mood states as a result of fronto-parietal network dysfunctions

A Brzezicka - Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis, 2013 -
Depression is a disorder characterized not only by persistent negative mood, lack of
motivation and a „ruminative” style of thinking, but also by specific deficits in cognitive …

La teoría del aprendizaje significativo

ML Rodríguez Palmero - Teoría del aprendizaje significativo en la …, 2004 -
Centro de Educación a Distancia (CEAD), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España. david p. ausubel
es el creador de la teoría del aprendizaje significativo, una teoría que ha tenido una gran …

Cognitive style and on‐line database search experience as predictors of Web search performance

RA Palmquist, KS Kim - Journal of the american society for …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
This study sought to investigate the effects of cognitive style (field dependent and field
independent) and on‐line database search experience (novice and experienced) on the …

Text comprehension

RA Zwaan, M Singer - Handbook of discourse processes, 2003 -
Comprehending text is part of the daily routine formost individuals 6 years of age and older.
We read texts for a variety of reasons. We want to be informed about the state of the world …

Functional anatomy of spatial mental imagery generated from verbal instructions

E Mellet, N Tzourio, F Crivello, M Joliot… - Journal of …, 1996 -
Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to monitor regional cerebral blood flow
variations while subjects were constructing mental images of objects made of three …

Visual analogy—a strategy for design reasoning and learning

G Goldschmidt - Design knowing and learning: Cognition in design …, 2001 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter proposes that the use of visual analogy in problem solving
is an example of similarity-based reasoning, cognitively facilitated by imagistic operations. It …

[PDF][PDF] La teoría del aprendizaje significativo

MLR Palmero - Proceedings of the First International Conference on …, 2004 -
Se hace una revisión de la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo tratando en primer lugar su
caracterización. Se delimitan sus conceptos-clave, analizando el significado del constructo …