[HTML][HTML] Fish injury from movements across hydraulic structures: A review

RX Cox, RT Kingsford, I Suthers, S Felder - Water, 2023 - mdpi.com
Fish migration is essential to maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems, but hydraulic structures
across rivers have impeded natural fish migration worldwide. While efforts have been made …


黄小华, 庞国良, 袁太**, 胡昱, 王绍敏, 郭根喜… - 渔业科学 …, 2022 - aquaticjournal.com
在远离大陆的深远海水域发展大型网箱养殖, 已成为缓解**海养殖环境压力,
突破资源受限和空间制约问题的重要举措. 深远海网箱养殖产业的蓬勃发展 …

Mortality of European eel after downstream migration through two types of pum** stations

D Buysse, AM Mouton, M Stevens… - Fisheries …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Although numerous pum** stations (PS) have been used by water managers for
numerous applications on rivers, canals and other water bodies, their impact on fish …

Downstream migration of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in an anthropogenically regulated freshwater system: Implications for management

P Verhelst, D Buysse, J Reubens, I Pauwels… - Fisheries …, 2018 - Elsevier
Connectivity between freshwater habitats and marine areas is heavily obstructed by
anthropogenic structures (eg weirs, pum** stations, sluices…), leading to a high pressure …

Fish damage assessment during the passage through traditional and fish-friendly axial-flow pumps with Lagrangian tracking approach

Q Pan, D Zhang, W Shi, BPM van Esch - Ocean Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
A large number of fish are prone to death during the passage through pum** stations
according to the monitoring data, especially when the axial-flow pumps are equipped. This …

Fish injury and mortality at pum** stations: A comparison of conventional and fish-friendly pumps

BM Bierschenk, J Pander, M Müller… - Marine and Freshwater …, 2018 - CSIRO Publishing
Pum** of water during floods from hinterland drainage systems into the main river poses a
health risk to fishes and comparative studies are crucial to identify the most fish-friendly …

Optimising environmental watering of floodplain wetlands for fish

L Beesley, AJ King, B Gawne, JD Koehn… - Freshwater …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Flow alteration has reduced connectivity between many of the world's rivers and their
floodplains, causing changes in riverine productivity and the isolation of floodplain wetlands …

Design verification of a reversible Deriaz turbine with increased efficiency and improved fish friendly characteristics

I Kassanos, V Alexopoulos, J Anagnostopoulos - Applied Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
The growing significance of renewable energy sources within the electricity market, along
with the need to tap into lower head and capacity sites towards achieving recent …

[HTML][HTML] Optimal Design and Fish-Passing Performance Analysis of a Fish-Friendly Axial Flow Pump

C Yang, Q Zhang, J Guo, J Wu, Y Zheng, Z Ren - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
In this paper, the parameters of a prototype runner of an axial flow pump are optimized by
using the immersion boundary–lattice Boltzmann numerical method based on a large-eddy …

Numerical design methodology for reversible Deriaz turbine with high energy performance and reduced fish impacts

I Kassanos, V Alexopoulos… - IOP Conference Series …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
The increased interest for further exploitation of hydropower and pumped hydro storage
sites of lower head and capacity, and the tightening on the other hand of the environmental …