Structural, luminescence and photoconversion properties of Lu3Al5O12: Ce single crystalline film phosphors for WLED application

A Markovskyi, V Gorbenko, T Yokosawa, J Will… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2022 - Elsevier
This work focuses on the detailed investigation of structural, luminescence and
photoconversion properties of Ce doped Lu 3 Al 5 O 12: Ce (LuAG: Ce) single crystalline …

Temperature Dependence of the Luminescence Output of LaCl3: Ce Single Crystal Scintillator

S Tseremoglou, V Ntoupis, D Linardatos, I Valais… - Procedia Structural …, 2023 - Elsevier
Crystal scintillators are employed in a variety of applications in order to convert X-rays or
gamma rays to visible radiation. The performance of a scintillator is strongly dependent on …

Temperature dependence of ZnSe: Te scintillator

D Linardatos, D Revi, V Ntoupis, N Kalyvas… - Procedia Structural …, 2022 - Elsevier
The aim of this study was to examine the luminescence efficiency behavior of ZnSe: Te
single crystals under different temperature conditions. The crystal output was compared to …

Growth Study of Ce: LuAG Scintillation Crystal.

Z Yali, Q Jiliang, LIU Ji'an, LIU Jun… - Journal of Synthetic …, 2022 -
Ce: LuAG crystal is an excellent scintillation material, but cracking and inclusion defects
often occur when Ce: LuAG is grown by Czochralski method. In this paper, the effects of …

Μελέτη και βελτιστοποίηση παραμέτρων απόδοσης φωταύγειας κρυσταλλικών σπινθηριστών, για χρήση σε ανιχνευτικές διατάξεις ιοντιζουσών ακτινοβολιών Υβριδικών …

Σ Τσερέμογλου - 2024 -
Οι σπινθηριστές αποτελούν βασικά συστατικά στις σύγχρονες απεικονιστικές τεχνολογίες,
μετατρέποντας την απορροφούμενη ιοντίζουσα ακτινοβολία σε οπτικά φωτόνια. Αυτή η …

[PDF][PDF] Ce∶ LuAG 闪烁晶体的生长研究

张雅丽, 权纪亮, 刘纪岸, 刘军, 黄晋** - Journal of Synthetic …, 2022 -
Ce∶ LuAG 晶体是一种性能优良的闪烁材料, 但采用提拉法生长Ce∶ LuAG 时,
经常出现开裂和包裹物缺陷. 本文通过理论与实践相结合的方式分析了温度梯度, 提拉速度 …

[PDF][PDF] Optical and mechanical properties of phosphor converters for white LEDs based on the single crystalline films and single crystals of garnets

A Markovskyi -
This Ph. D. thesis focuses on investigating the structural, luminescence, photoconversion,
and elastic properties of garnet-based epitaxial structures for application as phosphor …

Structural, Luminescence and Photoconversion Properties of Lu3al5o12: Ce Single Crystalline Film Phosphors for Wled Application

Y Zorenko, A Markovsky, V Gorbenko… - Available at SSRN … -
This work focuses on the detailed investigation of structural, luminescence and
photoconversion properties of Ce doped Lu3Al5O12: Ce (LuAG: Ce) single crystalline films …