[CARTE][B] Ontology matching
J Euzenat, P Shvaiko - 2007 - Springer
An ontology typically provides a vocabulary describing a domain of interest and a
specification of the meaning of terms in that vocabulary. Depending on the precision of this …
specification of the meaning of terms in that vocabulary. Depending on the precision of this …
Ten challenges for ontology matching
P Shvaiko, J Euzenat - … International Conferences" On the Move to …, 2008 - Springer
This paper aims at analyzing the key trends and challenges of the ontology matching field.
The main motivation behind this work is the fact that despite many component matching …
The main motivation behind this work is the fact that despite many component matching …
Semantic matching: Algorithms and implementation
F Giunchiglia, M Yatskevich, P Shvaiko - Journal on data semantics IX, 2007 - Springer
We view match as an operator that takes two graph-like structures (eg, classifications, XML
schemas) and produces a map** between the nodes of these graphs that correspond …
schemas) and produces a map** between the nodes of these graphs that correspond …
Matching large schemas: Approaches and evaluation
HH Do, E Rahm - Information Systems, 2007 - Elsevier
Current schema matching approaches still have to improve for large and complex Schemas.
The large search space increases the likelihood for false matches as well as execution …
The large search space increases the likelihood for false matches as well as execution …
Semantic schema matching
F Giunchiglia, P Shvaiko, M Yatskevich - OTM Confederated International …, 2005 - Springer
We view match as an operator that takes two graph-like structures (eg, XML schemas) and
produces a map** between the nodes of these graphs that correspond semantically to …
produces a map** between the nodes of these graphs that correspond semantically to …
[PDF][PDF] A geo-service semantic integration in spatial data infrastructures
L Vaccari, P Shvaiko, M Marchese - International Journal of Spatial Data …, 2009 - disi.unitn.it
In this paper we focus on the semantic heterogeneity problem as one of the main challenges
in current Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). We first report on the state of the art in reducing …
in current Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). We first report on the state of the art in reducing …
A large scale taxonomy map** evaluation
Matching hierarchical structures, like taxonomies or web directories, is the premise for
enabling interoperability among heterogenous data organizations. While the number of new …
enabling interoperability among heterogenous data organizations. While the number of new …
Discovering missing background knowledge in ontology matching
F Giunchiglia, P Shvaiko, M Yatskevich - 2006 - eprints.biblio.unitn.it
Semantic matching determines the map**s between the nodes of two graphs (eg,
ontologies) by computing logical relations (eg, subsumption) holding among the nodes that …
ontologies) by computing logical relations (eg, subsumption) holding among the nodes that …
Faceted lightweight ontologies
We concentrate on the use of ontologies for the categorization of objects, eg, photos, books,
web pages. Lightweight ontologies are ontologies with a tree structure where each node is …
web pages. Lightweight ontologies are ontologies with a tree structure where each node is …
Domains and context: first steps towards managing diversity in knowledge
Despite the progress made, one of the main barriers towards the use of semantics is the lack
of background knowledge. Dealing with this problem has turned out to be a very difficult task …
of background knowledge. Dealing with this problem has turned out to be a very difficult task …