[HTML][HTML] A critical review and performance comparisons of swarm-based optimization algorithms in maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic systems under …
This article presents a comparative analysis of the latest swarm-based optimization
approaches under partial shading conditions (PSCs) for maximum power point tracking …
approaches under partial shading conditions (PSCs) for maximum power point tracking …
A critical review on advanced reconfigured models and metaheuristics-based MPPT to address complex shadings of solar array
An intricate issue suffered by photovoltaic systems is partial shading condition (PSC) which
is an unavoidable and complex problem. It degrades the maximum power generation and …
is an unavoidable and complex problem. It degrades the maximum power generation and …
[HTML][HTML] An improved genetic algorithm based fractional open circuit voltage MPPT for solar PV systems
To extract the maximum power from solar PV, maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
controllers are needed to operate the PV arrays at their maximum power point under varying …
controllers are needed to operate the PV arrays at their maximum power point under varying …
Hybrid optimized-ANFIS based MPPT for hybrid microgrid using zebra optimization algorithm and artificial gorilla troops optimizer
This paper presents an effective hybrid renewable energy system. This system utilizes
primary energy sources represented by both photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy conversion …
primary energy sources represented by both photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy conversion …
Whale optimization algorithm based MPPT control of a fuel cell system
Renewable energy sources have provided a great contribution to global energy demand;
However, their intermittent characteristics can cause sustainability and efficiency problems …
However, their intermittent characteristics can cause sustainability and efficiency problems …
Design and investigation of PV string/central architecture for bayesian fusion technique using grey wolf optimization and flower pollination optimized algorithm
One of the most essential factors in the current study is effectively harvesting the Maximum
Power Extraction (MPE) from the Photovoltaic (PV) panel. The primary difficulties in …
Power Extraction (MPE) from the Photovoltaic (PV) panel. The primary difficulties in …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing efficient solar energy harvesting: A process-in-loop investigation of MPPT control with a novel stochastic algorithm
PV systems currently generate 4% of the world's energy needs, and their share is growing
quickly. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is a complex non-convex optimization …
quickly. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is a complex non-convex optimization …
A novel improved grey wolf algorithm based global maximum power point tracker method considering partial shading
Considering photovoltaic systems' sustainability and environmental friendliness, they have
been widely used due to ease of installation as their cost reduces and their efficiency is …
been widely used due to ease of installation as their cost reduces and their efficiency is …
A new fast and efficient MPPT algorithm for partially shaded PV systems using a hyperbolic slime mould algorithm
The design of new efficient maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques has become
extremely important due to the rapid expansion of photovoltaic (PV) systems. Because under …
extremely important due to the rapid expansion of photovoltaic (PV) systems. Because under …
Green energy extraction for sustainable development: A novel MPPT technique for hybrid PV-TEG system
The Photovoltaic (PV) module converts only a small portion of irradiance into electrical
energy. Most of the solar energy is wasted as heat, resulting in a rise in PV cell temperature …
energy. Most of the solar energy is wasted as heat, resulting in a rise in PV cell temperature …