A multimodal learning-based approach for autonomous landing of uav
In the field of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) landing, conventional
approaches fall short in delivering not only the required precision but also the resilience …
approaches fall short in delivering not only the required precision but also the resilience …
Autonomous drone landing with fiducial markers and a gimbal-mounted camera for active tracking
J Springer, M Kyas - 2022 Sixth IEEE international conference …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Precision landing is a remaining challenge in autonomous drone flight. Fiducial markers
provide a computationally cheap way for a drone to locate a landing pad and autonomously …
provide a computationally cheap way for a drone to locate a landing pad and autonomously …
A Hybrid Rolling and Flying Robot for Pipeline Fault Detection Using Deep Learning
The Middle Eastern and North African region is highly reliant on the oil and gas industry.
Subsequently, the need for pipeline inspection and fault diagnosis has become paramount …
Subsequently, the need for pipeline inspection and fault diagnosis has become paramount …
Scalable intra-UAV swarm communication system design with safety and wind constraints
BE Tegicho - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are being explored as viable options for a
variety of missions. However, extremely dynamic environmental conditions such as wind …
variety of missions. However, extremely dynamic environmental conditions such as wind …
[PDF][PDF] A Novel Co-simulation framework for Verification and Validation of GNC Algorithms for Autonomous UAV
F Cappuzzo, V Dezobry, D Bianchi… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - researchgate.net
The use of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in commercial applications has
the potential to disrupt several industries. To effectively cover the broad spectrum of possible …
the potential to disrupt several industries. To effectively cover the broad spectrum of possible …
Drone positioning systems that use digital cameras
В Боровицький, В Микитенко - Вісник Київського політехнічного …, 2022 - visnykpb.kpi.ua
Unmanned aerial vehicles are very important in everyday life. Their number is increasing
every day, as well as the scope of their use. Therefore, it becomes necessary to automate …
every day, as well as the scope of their use. Therefore, it becomes necessary to automate …
[PDF][PDF] Integrated Vision-Based Navigation and Sliding Mode Control for Robust Autonomous Quadcopter Landing
BDP da Silva - 2024 - repositorio-aberto.up.pt
The present dissertation investigates the development and implementation of a robust
landing control system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), commonly known as drones …
landing control system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), commonly known as drones …
Controlled descent of an overloaded quadcopter using vision
JPV Pinhal - 2022 - search.proquest.com
These days, there has been a growth in the potential and use of unmanned aerial systems,
usually referred to as drones, since they are suitable for various scenarios and applications …
usually referred to as drones, since they are suitable for various scenarios and applications …
[PDF][PDF] Rapport de la 1ère partie du Projet Long: Interaction Humain-Drone
S Naama, T Tournier, WL Bounsi, JR KY, R Elmontassir… - joelromanky.github.io
Les drones sont aujourd'hui utilisés dans de nombreux domaines tels que l'agriculture, la
détection de feu de forêt, la surveillance, etc. L'idée de l'entreprise SII est de développer un …
détection de feu de forêt, la surveillance, etc. L'idée de l'entreprise SII est de développer un …
[PDF][PDF] Rapport Projet Long-Master PSMSC UE Research Methodology
J Ky - 2021 - joelromanky.github.io
The positioning of drones in front of a person is a subject that is still open and not much
covered in the literature. The aim of this paper is to present the various works in the field of …
covered in the literature. The aim of this paper is to present the various works in the field of …