A state-of-the-art review of the fabrication and characteristics of titanium and its alloys for biomedical applications
Commercially pure titanium and titanium alloys have been among the most commonly used
materials for biomedical applications since the 1950s. Due to the excellent mechanical …
materials for biomedical applications since the 1950s. Due to the excellent mechanical …
[HTML][HTML] New advances and future possibilities in forming technology of hybrid metal–polymer composites used in aerospace applications
Fibre metal laminates, hybrid composite materials built up from interlaced layers of thin
metals and fibre reinforced adhesives, are future-proof materials used in the production of …
metals and fibre reinforced adhesives, are future-proof materials used in the production of …
A review on superplastic forming of Ti-6Al-4V and other titanium alloys
The paper presents a comprehensive review on the superplastic forming of titanium alloys, a
novel forming process to manufacture components with complex geometries. This work …
novel forming process to manufacture components with complex geometries. This work …
[HTML][HTML] Incremental sheet forming towards biomedical implants: A review
Z Cheng, Y Li, C Xu, Y Liu, S Ghafoor, F Li - Journal of Materials Research …, 2020 - Elsevier
Advanced manufacture technologies, oriented to implants featured with high reliability, low
cost and high biocompatibility, are key approaches to advance the rehabilitation efficacy and …
cost and high biocompatibility, are key approaches to advance the rehabilitation efficacy and …
Incremental sheet forming of thermoplastics: a review
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a promising flexible manufacturing process, which has
been tested in sheet forming of various metallic materials. Although ISF-based forming of …
been tested in sheet forming of various metallic materials. Although ISF-based forming of …
Development of a critical edge-based adaptive toolpath strategy to improve geometrical accuracy of incrementally formed titanium implants
Incremental sheet forming has become increasingly popular due to its advantages over
traditional metal forming processes, including flexibility, low setup cost, and enhanced …
traditional metal forming processes, including flexibility, low setup cost, and enhanced …
[HTML][HTML] Characterisation of geometrical and physical properties of a stainless steel denture framework manufactured by single-point incremental forming
In recent years, numerous scientific and technological innovations have been introduced in
the fields of medicine and dentistry. The application of computer-based engineering …
the fields of medicine and dentistry. The application of computer-based engineering …
Hybrid metal-ceramic biomaterials fabricated through powder bed fusion and powder metallurgy for improved impact resistance of craniofacial implants
The mechanical compliance of craniofacial implants is of paramount importance in the
medical field, as the primary concern is to protect the cerebrum after trauma or neurosurgical …
medical field, as the primary concern is to protect the cerebrum after trauma or neurosurgical …
Homogenization of elasto-plastic functionally graded material based on representative volume element: application to incremental forming process
In the present paper, as a first endeavor, homogenization of elasto-plastic functionally
graded material (FGM) is investigated based on representative volume element (RVE) and …
graded material (FGM) is investigated based on representative volume element (RVE) and …
Biomechanical performance of cranial implants with different thicknesses and material properties: A finite element study
This study investigated the effect of implant thickness and material on deformation and
stress distribution within different components of cranial implant assemblies. Using the finite …
stress distribution within different components of cranial implant assemblies. Using the finite …