Regulatory focus and fit effects in organizations
Regulatory focus theory distinguishes between two different value concerns: promotion
concerns with advancement and growth, and prevention concerns with safety and security …
concerns with advancement and growth, and prevention concerns with safety and security …
Securing foundations and advancing frontiers: Prevention and promotion effects on judgment & decision making
Over the past two decades, research testing regulatory focus theory has made multiple
contributions to understanding better many different psychological issues. In this article, we …
contributions to understanding better many different psychological issues. In this article, we …
[Књига][B] Shared reality: What makes us strong and tears us apart
ET Higgins - 2019 - books.google.com
What does it mean to be human? Why do we feel and behave in the ways that we do? The
classic answer is that we have a special kind of intelligence. But to understand what we are …
classic answer is that we have a special kind of intelligence. But to understand what we are …
[Књига][B] Morality and the regulation of social behavior: Groups as moral anchors
N Ellemers - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Morality indicates what is the 'right'and what is the 'wrong'way to behave. It is one of the most
popular areas of research in contemporary social psychology, driven in part by recent …
popular areas of research in contemporary social psychology, driven in part by recent …
Feeling possessive, performing well? Effects of job-based psychological ownership on territoriality, information exchange, and job performance.
Job-based psychological ownership arises when workers develop personal feelings of
possession over various aspects of a job. Drawing on conservation of resources and …
possession over various aspects of a job. Drawing on conservation of resources and …
On motivational readiness.
The construct of motivational readiness is introduced and explored. Motivational readiness
is the willingness or inclination, whether or not ultimately realized, to act in the service of a …
is the willingness or inclination, whether or not ultimately realized, to act in the service of a …
Beyond outcomes: How regulatory focus motivates consumer goal pursuit processes
This article reviews the current state of the regulatory focus literature as it relates to
consumer behavior, with a special emphasis on the goal pursuit processes that naturally …
consumer behavior, with a special emphasis on the goal pursuit processes that naturally …
Regulatory focus theory and research
This chapter explores the motivational dynamics of the promotion and prevention systems
outlined in regulatory focus theory (Higgins, 1997). It includes a review of the core tenets of …
outlined in regulatory focus theory (Higgins, 1997). It includes a review of the core tenets of …
Going for it on fourth down: Rivalry increases risk taking, physiological arousal, and promotion focus
Risk taking is fundamental to organizational decision making. Extending prior work that has
identified individual and situational antecedents of risk taking, we explore a significant …
identified individual and situational antecedents of risk taking, we explore a significant …
CEOs' regulatory focus and firm internationalization: The moderating effects of CEO overconfidence, narcissism and career horizon
While the international business literature has mainly focused on the firm-or industry-level
antecedents of internationalization strategies, scholars have recently advocated a greater …
antecedents of internationalization strategies, scholars have recently advocated a greater …