Hertzbleed: Turning power {Side-Channel} attacks into remote timing attacks on x86
Power side-channel attacks exploit data-dependent variations in a CPU's power
consumption to leak secrets. In this paper, we show that on modern Intel (and AMD) x86 …
consumption to leak secrets. In this paper, we show that on modern Intel (and AMD) x86 …
Sok: Sgx. fail: How stuff gets exposed
S Van Schaik, A Seto, T Yurek, A Batori… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Intel's Software Guard Extensions (SGX) promises an isolated execution environment,
protected from all software running on the machine. As such, numerous works have sought …
protected from all software running on the machine. As such, numerous works have sought …
[KNJIGA][B] Power analysis attacks: Revealing the secrets of smart cards
Power analysis attacks allow the extraction of secret information from smart cards. Smart
cards are used in many applications including banking, mobile communications, pay TV …
cards are used in many applications including banking, mobile communications, pay TV …
Provably secure higher-order masking of AES
Implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to Side Channel Analysis
(SCA). To counteract it, masking schemes are usually involved which randomize key …
(SCA). To counteract it, masking schemes are usually involved which randomize key …
Efficient cache attacks on AES, and countermeasures
E Tromer, DA Osvik, A Shamir - Journal of Cryptology, 2010 - Springer
We describe several software side-channel attacks based on inter-process leakage through
the state of the CPU's memory cache. This leakage reveals memory access patterns, which …
the state of the CPU's memory cache. This leakage reveals memory access patterns, which …
Threshold implementations against side-channel attacks and glitches
Implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel attacks.
Masking techniques are employed to counter side-channel attacks that are based on …
Masking techniques are employed to counter side-channel attacks that are based on …
Systems and methods for secure communication using random cipher pad cryptography
KR McCarthy, ML Hammon… - US Patent 11,082,211, 2021 - Google Patents
Systems and methods with multiple different modes for bidirectional data transfer of
messages encrypted with Ran dom Cipher Pads (RCPs) are disclosed. A direct mode is …
messages encrypted with Ran dom Cipher Pads (RCPs) are disclosed. A direct mode is …
Hardware private circuits: From trivial composition to full verification
The design of glitch-resistant higher-order masking schemes is an important challenge in
cryptographic engineering. A recent work by Moos et al.(CHES 2019) showed that most …
cryptographic engineering. A recent work by Moos et al.(CHES 2019) showed that most …
Statistical analysis of second order differential power analysis
Second order Differential Power Analysis (2O-DPA) is a powerful side-channel attack that
allows an attacker to bypass the widely used masking countermeasure. To thwart 2O-DPA …
allows an attacker to bypass the widely used masking countermeasure. To thwart 2O-DPA …
Secure hardware implementation of nonlinear functions in the presence of glitches
Hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel
attacks. Side-channel attacks that are based on multiple measurements of the same …
attacks. Side-channel attacks that are based on multiple measurements of the same …