Hertzbleed: Turning power {Side-Channel} attacks into remote timing attacks on x86

Y Wang, R Paccagnella, ET He, H Shacham… - 31st USENIX Security …, 2022 - usenix.org
Power side-channel attacks exploit data-dependent variations in a CPU's power
consumption to leak secrets. In this paper, we show that on modern Intel (and AMD) x86 …

Sok: Sgx. fail: How stuff gets exposed

S Van Schaik, A Seto, T Yurek, A Batori… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Intel's Software Guard Extensions (SGX) promises an isolated execution environment,
protected from all software running on the machine. As such, numerous works have sought …

[KNJIGA][B] Power analysis attacks: Revealing the secrets of smart cards

S Mangard, E Oswald, T Popp - 2008 - books.google.com
Power analysis attacks allow the extraction of secret information from smart cards. Smart
cards are used in many applications including banking, mobile communications, pay TV …

Provably secure higher-order masking of AES

M Rivain, E Prouff - … on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 2010 - Springer
Implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to Side Channel Analysis
(SCA). To counteract it, masking schemes are usually involved which randomize key …

Efficient cache attacks on AES, and countermeasures

E Tromer, DA Osvik, A Shamir - Journal of Cryptology, 2010 - Springer
We describe several software side-channel attacks based on inter-process leakage through
the state of the CPU's memory cache. This leakage reveals memory access patterns, which …

Threshold implementations against side-channel attacks and glitches

S Nikova, C Rechberger, V Rijmen - International conference on …, 2006 - Springer
Implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel attacks.
Masking techniques are employed to counter side-channel attacks that are based on …

Systems and methods for secure communication using random cipher pad cryptography

KR McCarthy, ML Hammon… - US Patent 11,082,211, 2021 - Google Patents
Systems and methods with multiple different modes for bidirectional data transfer of
messages encrypted with Ran dom Cipher Pads (RCPs) are disclosed. A direct mode is …

Hardware private circuits: From trivial composition to full verification

G Cassiers, B Grégoire, I Levi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The design of glitch-resistant higher-order masking schemes is an important challenge in
cryptographic engineering. A recent work by Moos et al.(CHES 2019) showed that most …

Statistical analysis of second order differential power analysis

E Prouff, M Rivain, R Bevan - IEEE Transactions on computers, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Second order Differential Power Analysis (2O-DPA) is a powerful side-channel attack that
allows an attacker to bypass the widely used masking countermeasure. To thwart 2O-DPA …

Secure hardware implementation of nonlinear functions in the presence of glitches

S Nikova, V Rijmen, M Schläffer - Journal of Cryptology, 2011 - Springer
Hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel
attacks. Side-channel attacks that are based on multiple measurements of the same …