Applying quantum algorithms to constraint satisfaction problems
Quantum algorithms can deliver asymptotic speedups over their classical counterparts.
However, there are few cases where a substantial quantum speedup has been worked out …
However, there are few cases where a substantial quantum speedup has been worked out …
Quantum speedups for exponential-time dynamic programming algorithms
In this paper we study quantum algorithms for NP-complete problems whose best classical
algorithm is an exponential time application of dynamic programming. We introduce the path …
algorithm is an exponential time application of dynamic programming. We introduce the path …
Low-depth mechanisms for quantum optimization
One of the major application areas of interest for both near-term and fault-tolerant quantum
computers is the optimization of classical objective functions. In this work, we develop …
computers is the optimization of classical objective functions. In this work, we develop …
Quantum walk speedup of backtracking algorithms
A Montanaro - arxiv preprint arxiv:1509.02374, 2015 -
We describe a general method to obtain quantum speedups of classical algorithms which
are based on the technique of backtracking, a standard approach for solving constraint …
are based on the technique of backtracking, a standard approach for solving constraint …
Quantum information processing algorithms with emphasis on machine learning
Quantum Computing (QC) promises to elevate computing speed by an estimated 100 million
times. Several applications, including signal processing, machine learning, big data …
times. Several applications, including signal processing, machine learning, big data …
Advanced quantum image representation and compression using a DCT-EFRQI approach
In recent years, quantum image computing draws a lot of attention due to storing and
processing image data faster compared to classical computers. A number of approaches …
processing image data faster compared to classical computers. A number of approaches …
Diabatic quantum annealing for the frustrated ring model
Quantum annealing (QA) is a continuous-time heuristic quantum algorithm for solving or
approximately solving classical optimization problems. The algorithm uses a schedule to …
approximately solving classical optimization problems. The algorithm uses a schedule to …
Block-Wise Compression Of The Quantum Gray-Scale Image Using Lossy Preparation Approach
Quantum computing draws huge attention due to the multidimensional information
processing capability of the processor at the same time. The main idea of quantum imaging …
processing capability of the processor at the same time. The main idea of quantum imaging …
Quantum hybrid algorithm for solving sat problem
Combinatorial problems usually have a large search space, and almost all classical
algorithms for solving this class of problems are inefficient for real-life input sizes. Quantum …
algorithms for solving this class of problems are inefficient for real-life input sizes. Quantum …
Quantum speedup of the traveling-salesman problem for bounded-degree graphs
The traveling-salesman problem is one of the most famous problems in graph theory.
However, little is currently known about the extent to which quantum computers could speed …
However, little is currently known about the extent to which quantum computers could speed …