[HTML][HTML] Exploring immersive learning experiences: A survey
Immersive technologies have been shown to significantly improve learning as they can
simplify and simulate complicated concepts in various fields. However, there is a lack of …
simplify and simulate complicated concepts in various fields. However, there is a lack of …
Understanding learners' acceptance of high-immersion virtual reality systems: Insights from confirmatory and exploratory PLS-SEM analyses
This article reports on a study that investigated user acceptance of a high-immersion virtual
reality learning environment to learn English paragraph writing structure. 134 undergraduate …
reality learning environment to learn English paragraph writing structure. 134 undergraduate …
Immersive Learning Design in the Metaverse: A Theoretical Literature Review Synthesis
Metaverse-enabled experiences can have a profound, transformational impact on
educational practice. Significant innovations related to the adoption of this new …
educational practice. Significant innovations related to the adoption of this new …
[HTML][HTML] Design, development, and evaluation of a virtual reality serious game for school fire preparedness training
Immersive virtual reality (VR) is a technology that can be effective for procedural skills
training through game-based simulations such as serious games. The current study …
training through game-based simulations such as serious games. The current study …
Global Publication Trends in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Learning: The Last Twenty-One Years.
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) provide new experiences in the digital and
simulation worlds. While they are intended to stimulate users' perception and senses in …
simulation worlds. While they are intended to stimulate users' perception and senses in …
What is immersive learning?
A Dengel - 2022 8th international conference of the immersive …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The article investigates possible perspectives on Immersive Learning. After discussing the
need for the term, the perception of non-mediation is identified as its key concept. Immersive …
need for the term, the perception of non-mediation is identified as its key concept. Immersive …
The analysis of educational informatization management learning model under the internet of things and artificial intelligence
L Han, X Long, K Wang - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
This study explores the influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-
enhanced learning models on student management in educational informatization …
enhanced learning models on student management in educational informatization …
Virtual reality in vocational training: A study demonstrating the potential of a VR-based vehicle painting simulator for skills acquisition in apprenticeship training
Abstract Previous studies on Virtual Reality (VR)-enriched learning pointed out the
advantages of immersive learning for the development of competencies. In the context of …
advantages of immersive learning for the development of competencies. In the context of …
[PDF][PDF] Applying gamification technique and virtual reality for prehistoric learning toward the metaverse
Abstract—Technological development provides many benefits in learning process, such
as the development of the learning method, media, strategy, and design. Based on the …
as the development of the learning method, media, strategy, and design. Based on the …
Immersive virtual reality as a tool to improve bridge teaching communication
The objective of bridge teaching is to provide students with knowledge of bridge construction
and lay a solid foundation for further in-depth study and work practice. However, the current …
and lay a solid foundation for further in-depth study and work practice. However, the current …