The history and philosophy of ecological psychology
Ecological Psychology is an embodied, situated, and non-representational approach
pioneered by JJ Gibson and EJ Gibson. This theory aims to offer a third way beyond …
pioneered by JJ Gibson and EJ Gibson. This theory aims to offer a third way beyond …
Ecological Optics as the Conceptual Basis for the Interpersonal Self and Social Interaction
Agency, the ability to negotiate one's surroundings to bring about changes, is the defining
feature of animacy. Because agency is embodied in each individual's self, inquiry into …
feature of animacy. Because agency is embodied in each individual's self, inquiry into …
Musical role asymmetries in piano duet performance influence alpha-band neural oscillation and behavioral synchronization
Recent work in interpersonal coordination has revealed that neural oscillations, occurring
spontaneously in the human brain, are modulated during the sensory, motor, and cognitive …
spontaneously in the human brain, are modulated during the sensory, motor, and cognitive …
Temporal coordination in piano duet networked music performance (NMP): Interactions between acoustic transmission latency and musical role asymmetries
Today's audio, visual, and internet technologies allow people to interact despite physical
distances, for casual conversation, group workouts, or musical performance. Musical …
distances, for casual conversation, group workouts, or musical performance. Musical …
Effects of agent-environment symmetry on the coordination dynamics of triadic jum**
We investigated whether the patterns of coordination that emerged during a three-participant
(triadic) jum** task were defined by the symmetries of the (multi) agent-environment task …
(triadic) jum** task were defined by the symmetries of the (multi) agent-environment task …