Digital leadership and sustainable competitive advantage: leveraging green absorptive capability and eco-innovation in tourism and hospitality businesses

H Hussein, OM Albadry, V Mathew, BS Al-Romeedy… - Sustainability, 2024‏ -
This study explores the influence of digital leadership (DL) on sustainable competitive
advantage (SCA) in tourism and hospitality businesses, focusing on green absorptive …

[PDF][PDF] Impression management and employee contextual performance in service organizations (enterprises)

FO Edeh, NM Zayed, S Darwish, V Nitsenko… - Emerging Science …, 2023‏ -
This study aims to investigate the effect of impression management on employee contextual
performance in service organizations using quantitative methods. The social influence …

Catalyzing green identity and sustainable advantage in tourism and hotel businesses

FK Alsheref, HA Khairy, O Alsetoohy, O Elsawy… - Sustainability, 2024‏ -
Global environmental concerns necessitate a heightened focus on green practices by
businesses to balance sustainability and profitability. Therefore, this study investigates the …

How and when socially responsible human resource management affects employee voluntary green behavior—evidence from the healthcare sector

W Liu, X Li, X Guo - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024‏ - Elsevier
To achieve greener healthcare with the goal of net-zero carbon, it is urgent to motivate
healthcare-employees to voluntarily participate in green behavior. Our focus is on examining …

Exploring the mechanisms linking perceived organizational support, autonomy, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness and corporate sustainability: the mediating role …

M Okręglicka, P Mittal, V Navickas - Sustainability, 2023‏ -
To achieve organizational performance excellence, modern organizations have not only the
option but the necessity to adapt and implement corporate sustainability (CS) practices. CS …

Leading with purpose: Unraveling the impact of responsible leadership on employee green behavior in the workplace

Y **ao, X Tao, P Chen, DMH Kee - Heliyon, 2024‏ -
Although sustainability has been a priority for organizations, there is still a lack of research
on how leaders with a stakeholder perspective can motivate employees to adopt green …

The Influence of Green Governance, Implementation of Energy Accounting, and Green Human Resource Management on Sustainability Performance: An Empirical …

KAK Saputra, PAS Laksmi - JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi), 2024‏ -
This research aims to conduct an empirical study on the relationship between stakeholder
pressure in the form of green governance, the implementation of energy accounting, and …

COVID-19 pandemic: a motive for pro-environmental behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian tourism and hospitality industry

AM Elshaer, MHA Al-Abyadh, O Alsetoohy… - Rocznik Ochrona …, 2022‏ -
Academics have been curious about what motivates pro-environmental behaviour.
However, a few research studies have been conducted to analyse and comprehend the pro …

Etik Liderliğin Yeşil Örgütsel Davranış Üzerindeki Etkisini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma

S Kavaslar, C Karavelioğlu - Management and Political Sciences …, 2023‏ -
Bu çalışmada algılanan etik liderliğin yeşil örgütsel davranış üzerinde etkisinin olup
olmadığını incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma Eti Maden Emet Bor İşletme Müdürlüğü'nde …


S Kavaslar, C Karavelioğlu - Toplum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Dergisi, 2023‏ -
Yeşil örgütsel davranış, çalışanların dahil olduğu ve çevresel sürdürülebilirliğe katkıda
bulunan veya çevresel zararı azaltan ölçülebilir eylem ve davranışlar olarak …