Metamodel-based simulation optimization: A systematic literature review

JVS do Amaral, JAB Montevechi… - … Modelling Practice and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Over the past few decades, modeling, simulation, and optimization tools have received
attention for their ability to represent and improve complex systems. The use of …

Adaptive metamodeling simulation optimization: Insights, challenges, and perspectives

JVS do Amaral, JAB Montevechi… - Applied Soft …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract A pillar of Industry 4.0, Simulation Optimization is a powerful tool used across
several fields, enabling system evaluation under varying conditions, facilitating performance …

Groundwater contamination source identification based on a hybrid particle swarm optimization-extreme learning machine

J Li, W Lu, H Wang, Y Fan, Z Chang - Journal of Hydrology, 2020 - Elsevier
When the simulation-optimization method is applied to groundwater contamination source
identification (GCSI), the numerical simulation model is usually embedded in the …

An adaptive PCE-HDMR metamodeling approach for high-dimensional problems

X Yue, J Zhang, W Gong, M Luo, L Duan - Structural and Multidisciplinary …, 2021 - Springer
Metamodel-based high-dimensional model representation (HDMR) has recently been
developed as a promising tool for approximating high-dimensional and computationally …

Metamodeling-based simulation optimization in manufacturing problems: a comparative study

JVS do Amaral, R de Carvalho Miranda… - … International Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
In the context of modern industry, optimization emerges as one of the most powerful tools,
allowing decision-makers to allocate their resources more assertively and deal with complex …

Effect of adaptive intelligent sampling and machine-learning emulators in surrogate energy modeling of architectural massing

A Mehrotra, H Yi - Journal of Building Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
In recent building studies, data-driven surrogate modeling is often employed to replace the
computationally expensive physics-based energy performance simulation. However …

A review on simulation-based metamodeling in emergency healthcare: methodology, applications, and future challenges

FZ Sahlaoui, L Abouel**ane, M Lebbar - Simulation, 2023 -
Simulation-based metamodels or surrogate models are simplified models that capture the
relationship between inputs and outputs of the simulation model. The analytical expression …

A Kriging-assisted two-stage adaptive radial-based importance sampling method for random-interval hybrid reliability analysis

Z Zhao, ZH Lu, YG Zhao - Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2023 - Springer
For uncertain structures with the coexisting random and interval inputs, effectively estimating
the lower and upper bounds of failure probability is always a challenge. To address this …

Expedited surrogate-based quantification of engineering tolerances using a modified polynomial regression

A Parnianifard, S Chaudhary, S Mumtaz… - Structural and …, 2023 - Springer
Statistical analysis is frequently used to determine how manufacturing tolerances or
operating condition uncertainties affect system performance. Surrogate is one of the …

Data envelopment analysis for algorithm efficiency assessment in metamodel-based simulation optimization

JVS do Amaral, R de Carvalho Miranda… - … International Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
In the last years, the use of metamodel-based simulation optimization techniques to solve
industrial problems stood out as a promising research field, mainly due to the advance of …