Value of the axial-vector coupling strength in β and ββ decays: A review

JT Suhonen - Frontiers in Physics, 2017‏ -
In this review the quenching of the weak axial-vector coupling strength, g A, is discussed in
nuclear β and double-β decays. On one hand, the nuclear-medium and nuclear many-body …

The nuclear physics of muon capture

DF Measday - Physics Reports, 2001‏ - Elsevier
We review the topic of muon capture in nuclei and show that significant nuclear physics is
being learnt from recent experiments. The focus of many earlier experiments had been the …

Chiral dynamics and heavy-fermion formalism in nuclei: exchange axial currents

TS Park, DP Min, M Rho - Physics Reports, 1993‏ - Elsevier
Chiral perturbation theory in heavy-fermion formalism is developed for meson-exchange
currents in nuclei and applied to nuclear axial-charge transitions. Calculation is performed to …

Many-body approach to the inclusive (e, e′) reaction from the quasielastic to the Δ excitation region

A Gil, J Nieves, E Oset - Nuclear Physics A, 1997‏ - Elsevier
We have performed a many-body calculation of the inclusive (e, e′) cross section which
runs over the three traditional regions at intermediate energies: the quasielastic peak, the …

Neutrino reactions on the deuteron

S Nakamura, T Sato, V Gudkov, K Kubodera - Physical Review C, 2001‏ - APS
The cross sections for the ν− d and ν− d reactions are calculated for incident energy up to E
ν= 170 MeV with the use of a phenomenological Lagrangian approach. We assess and …

Short range exchange contributions to the cross section for pppp near threshold

TSH Lee, DO Riska - Physical review letters, 1993‏ - APS
The nuclear S-wave pion production is described by the axial charge density operator of the
two-nucleon systen. It is shown that the short range axial exchange charge operator implied …

Double β decay and the axial strength

J Suhonen, J Kostensalo - Frontiers in Physics, 2019‏ -
Quenching of the weak axial strength g A is discussed and relations of this quenching to the
nuclear matrix elements of double beta decays are highlighted. An analysis of Gamow-Teller …

Weak proton capture on

LE Marcucci, R Schiavilla, M Viviani, A Kievsky… - Physical Review C, 2000‏ - APS
The astrophysical S factor for the proton weak capture on 3 He is calculated with correlated-
hyperspherical-harmonics bound and continuum wave functions corresponding to realistic …

Chiral symmetry in nuclei: Partial restoration and its consequences

MC Birse - Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 1994‏ -
Partial restoration in nuclear matter of the chiral symmetry of QCD is discussed together with
some of its possible signals. Estimates of corrections to the leading, linear dependence of …

Muon capture on deuteron and

LE Marcucci, M Piarulli, M Viviani, L Girlanda… - Physical Review C …, 2011‏ - APS
The muon-capture reactions H 2 (μ-, ν μ) nn and He 3 (μ-, ν μ) H 3 are studied with
conventional or chiral realistic potentials and consistent weak currents. The initial and final …