A survey on robotic devices for upper limb rehabilitation
P Maciejasz, J Eschweiler, K Gerlach-Hahn… - … of neuroengineering and …, 2014 - Springer
The existing shortage of therapists and caregivers assisting physically disabled individuals
at home is expected to increase and become serious problem in the near future. The patient …
at home is expected to increase and become serious problem in the near future. The patient …
Design requirements of generic hand exoskeletons and survey of hand exoskeletons for rehabilitation, assistive, or haptic use
Most current hand exoskeletons have been designed specifically for rehabilitation, assistive,
or haptic applications to simplify the design requirements. Clinical studies on poststroke …
or haptic applications to simplify the design requirements. Clinical studies on poststroke …
Will your next therapist be a robot?—A review of the advancements in robotic upper extremity rehabilitation
Several recent studies have indicated that upper extremity injuries are classified as a top
common workplace injury. Therefore, upper extremity rehabilitation has become a leading …
common workplace injury. Therefore, upper extremity rehabilitation has become a leading …
A structured overview of trends and technologies used in dynamic hand orthoses
RA Bos, CJW Haarman, T Stortelder, K Nizamis… - … of neuroengineering and …, 2016 - Springer
The development of dynamic hand orthoses is a fast-growing field of research and has
resulted in many different devices. A large and diverse solution space is formed by the …
resulted in many different devices. A large and diverse solution space is formed by the …
Design and development of a hand exoskeleton robot for active and passive rehabilitation
O Sandoval-Gonzalez… - International …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
The present work, which describes the mechatronic design and development of a novel
rehabilitation robotic exoskeleton hand, aims to present a solution for neuromusculoskeletal …
rehabilitation robotic exoskeleton hand, aims to present a solution for neuromusculoskeletal …
Design and control of an underactuated finger exoskeleton for assisting activities of daily living
In this article, a novel underactuated finger exoskeleton is designed to assist gras** tasks
for the elderly with weak muscle strength. In mechanical design, the human finger's …
for the elderly with weak muscle strength. In mechanical design, the human finger's …
[PDF][PDF] Stroke rehabilitation using exoskeleton-based robotic exercisers: mini review
Stroke is a debilitating disease that has afflicted millions of people throughout the world.
Assisting physiotherapists in post-stroke activities to conduct rehabilitation therapies …
Assisting physiotherapists in post-stroke activities to conduct rehabilitation therapies …
Wearable robotics for upper-limb rehabilitation and assistance: A review of the state-of-the-art challenges and future research
Several neuromuscular disorders and cerebrovascular diseases affect motor function with
symptoms ranging from distractive involuntary movements (eg, tremor) to inhibited …
symptoms ranging from distractive involuntary movements (eg, tremor) to inhibited …
An integrated type and dimensional synthesis method to design one degree-of-freedom planar linkages with only revolute joints for exoskeletons
Exoskeletons can assist wearers to relearn natural movements when attached to the human
body. However, most current devices are bulky and heavy, which limit their application. In …
body. However, most current devices are bulky and heavy, which limit their application. In …
Two-digit robotic exoskeleton glove mechanism: Design and integration
E Refour, B Sebastian… - Journal of …, 2018 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This paper presents the design and integration of a two-digit robotic exoskeleton glove
mechanism. The proposed glove is designed to assist the user with gras** motions, such …
mechanism. The proposed glove is designed to assist the user with gras** motions, such …